Mad Hatter Page 18 Business Summer Session Want a non-credit, intensive course in com- puter programming, word processing, typing upgrading, or to learn creative alternatives to traditional jobs or how to manage your dollars??? Douglas College is offering a two-week busi- ness summer session from May 30 to June 11. Ask for details at the Community Programs and Services office, or call 520-5473. ECE Donation I am pleased to announce that we have re- ceived our first donation in the amount of $500 from WestCoast Transmission toward the startup costs for the Douglas College Early Childhood Education Centre. Don McEachern Thanks to [MS At the last meeting of the Department of Arts and Humanities on April 11, 1983, the faculty expressly recognized the tremendous support and assistance from the members of the Instructional Media Services group. Their resolution read as follows: That we express our gratitude to the staff of I.M.S. for their hard work and assistance to us all. Carried Unanimously. Terry Farrell Chairman, Dept. of Arts and Humanities Missing Calendars NEEDED: Douglas College Calendars for the years: 72/73, 73/74, 74/75 & 75/76. a, ah While digging in the Archives, I was hor- rified to discover that we are missing the four calendars mentioned. Would some of the "old-timers" dig around and see if copies can be located? The Archives would certainly appreciate re- ceiving such copies. | Thank you, Jean Cockburn Book Festival - Free Lectures! | (Check with Community Programs & Services | for recom numbers) | Wednesday, April 27 @ 2000 hours: Children and Reading: Two Perspectives with Dr. J. Tuinman, Faculty of Education, Simon | Fraser University | and | Judy Satiman, Children's Librarian Vancouver Public Library Are today's children reading less? And what are they choosing to read? Following the presentations, questions and discussion wil] be moderated by Bill Main, children's liter- ature specialist, Douglas College Department of English and Communications. Friday, April 29 @ 2000 hours: | New Technology and the Survival of the Book with Dr. David Kaufman, Director of Educational Technologies, the Qpen Learning Institute. Perhaps the scenarios for the future are stranger and more interesting than one might imagine: Your Ten Favourite Books! This is your last chance! The lists are still coming and are very interesting indeed, Remember...list your ten favourite books and authors and send to Beth Bosshard, CP&S.