5 omc mm pte niet area eae : ‘c z ae ; , tn ‘ vee $ 4 2 { The Upside-Down Degree FAIRHAVEN. COLLEGE ean oe A Program for Graduates with Technieal Degrees POWGLAS poets Fairhaven College, a cluster college of Western Washington State College, has available an upside-down de- gree program for graduates of technical arts Programs from community colleges. The normal route to the B.A, calls for the general education experience to come during the first two years and the major during the last two. This pro- gram reverses this pro- > Under this program the tech- nical work completed in an as- sociate of arts program will trans- . fer into Fairhaven as the major (with full 90 credits). Students will then take qeneral courses during their junior and senior years. Fairhaven's general education requirements are 20 hours of humanities, and 12 hours each of social and natural sciences. Otherwise all courses are electives. The means for fulfilling the require- ments is deliberately kept loose, and there is the flexibility in schedul- ing and the counseling to permit shaping general education requirements to fit each individual. The progran is designed for students who have a strong professional associ- ate of arts degree coupled with a desire to continue learning and to fit thetr professional studies into the larger questions and challenges of life. it ts also important that prospective students respond positively to the style of independent learning encouraged by Fairhaven, Applicants use the regular transfer applications for WWSC. The words "up- Side-down degree" should be clearly written at the top of the application. In addition to this application to Western, there is a Fairhaven applica- tion form which is sent either on request or after the initial application to Western has been processed. Fairhaven seeks more subjective information about its applicants and also asks for letters of recommendation. These should be from persons who are in a position to comment on the quality of one's academic work. 'f there are questions or if you wish further information about Fairhaven, write or call either Hannah Wegner or Ken Freeman, Fairhaven College, Bell- ingham, Washington 98225,