Not so hard times >Is minimum-security prison like summer camp effective? Elliot Chan Opinions Editor at if I told you that there are prisoners— murderers—who were having a better day than you? You would be pretty upset, right? And you aren't even the victim or the victim’s family and friends. For many, hearing that criminals are having “easy” times as a punishment is an injustice. It’s almost as bad as hearing that they got off free. This is the case from a recent report by Erin O’Toole, a Federal Conservation public safety critic. She went on to describe a minimum-security prison in BC as being akin to “summer camp.” These prisons are fortified with a recreation centre, tennis courts, and baseball diamonds. In addition, this prison is located in arguably one of the most beautiful regions of the province, with mountain and ocean views. Now, I know that prisons are not meant to be inhumane torture chambers, they are meant to be more of a rehabilitation centre, where the convict can receive the necessary assistance and treatment so that they may be led back into normal society, where they can contribute in a meaningful way. Whether this is happening more effectively in a comfortable environment is something the victims of the prisoners’ crimes are extremely skeptical and upset about. The balancing act of trying to find the punishment to fit the crime is not an easy task. It takes a lot of time, money, and effort to make sure that the end result is the “right” result. With the case of summer camp prisons, many believe that the criminals are getting off too easily. Some are even feeling that the prisoners are in fact getting some sort of luxury treatment. For murderers, that type of punishment doesn’t only make light of the heinous act... it almost appears as though the punishment encourages it. There is a lot to like in our country, but one must admit that our justice system is still full of holes. What we have is often called a “revolving door” criminal system, where criminals go to jail for their crime, endure the hospitable environment, and return to normal society only to recommit the crime. This type of in-and-out prison—a lot like What you really mean > Finding ‘hidden meanings’ in everyday dialogue Adam Tatelman Arts Editor n my online wanderings, I’ve noticed a very annoying trend among the avidly political pseudo-intellectuals populating social media—particularly the Twitter, Tumblr, and Buzzfeed subspecies. When engaged in impassioned intercourse (of the intellectual variety), a rather common tactic is to accuse the opponent of secretly harbouring ill intent and subtly expressing it as subtext. These accusations are usually preceded by the phrase “Here is what you actually mean when you say that.” I need not explain how condescending such pedantry is. Most people don’t talk to children that way. If I walked up to you on the street and said, “Pfft, you're too stupid to know your own thoughts. Let me tell you what you actually think,” ’'d excuse you for taking a swing at me. You are, after all, a human being with a mind of your own, and | am not Professor X. Unless and until you demonstrate otherwise, | am going to assume you mean what you say. That’s called the benefit of the doubt. Not presuming to know one another’s innermost thoughts seems like a no-brainer, yet many millennials seem to share an inclination towards assigning heinous prejudice to entirely benign sentiments. Case in point: if 1 ask someone who has an accent what country they’re from, it’s not because | “don’t consider them to be real Canadians.” It’s because I’m curious to know where they’re from. Rather than assuming some hidden meaning to my words, why not let the person I’m speaking to decide if they are offended or not, and what to do about it? Isn’t it more condescending to get offended on their behalf? In logic, this is known as the fallacy of post hoc, or “after the event.” This is usually characterized by one party assigning a cause to an effect without providing any evidence that this is true. Example: “Lightning struck, and then I farted. Therefore, I fart thunder.” Obviously, this is an absurd example, but this is to highlight the illogical thought process behind the conclusion. The real fun begins when the speaker goes on to insist that every fart which comes from their cheeks must be caused by a lightning strike somewhere in the world. Researchers call this phenomenon apophenia, the idea that the more you look for something, the more of it you will find—not necessarily because it exists, but because you are determined to see it. Diversity is indeed great. So great, in fact, that Douglas College boasts one of the most inclusive and representative campuses in British Columbia, complete with Aboriginal, disabled, and LGBT support groups. Nobody is being excluded here. This is something to be immensely proud of. Intellectual diversity is also important. No one political ideology can possibly have the answer to every issue, so don’t restrict yourself by adhering to a single stance. Avoid the trap of lazy thinking when others present you with a viewpoint you hadn't previously considered, (¥ Douglas Student Union elections bring record-break- ing voter turnout (¥ You, your pet, and climate change (¥ People who people-rating apps And more! summer camp—does not solve the bigger problem. It doesn’t instill fear or teach repercussions. It’s merely a pause button for criminals. It stalls them from the next crime, like summer camp stalls us from our studies. The punishment should always fit the crime, but I ask you this: Do the kids who get detention every week really even if you disagree. Don’t just assume they are wrong or stupid. If you do that, you might as well just call them heretics. Read learn from their poor decisions? Probably not, they just become acclimatized to the world they live in. They never change; they merely adapt. They accept that detention is a part of their life. Compared to many, it’s not that bad of a life. To change someone, you must really change their environment, and so it goes with murderers. up on all sides of an issue—not just the one you support. That’s objectivity, and it'll help you to better support your ideas. Image via thinkstock