Latest addition to Starbucks coffee By Maria Asselin-Roy, Staff Reporter s of late, it seems that people are very interested in the new changes that Starbucks is undergoing. First there was the introduction of the new logo, which, according to several polls done on various websites, people are having mixed reviews about. Then there was the introduction of the newest addition to the selection of cup size: trenta. Trenta, which means thirty, is 325 ml larger than Starbuck’s current largest size. Trenta will have a volume of 916 ml or 31 ounces, almost one litre of liquid. This is in fact larger than the average capacity of the adult human stomach (the average capacity being about 900 ml). Ever since Starbucks came out with this recent news in January, people have been doing tests to see how big this cup really is. One particular video on YouTube that gained almost 250,000 views is of a man demonstrating that a whole bottle of wine can fit into a trenta-sized cup. This new size has caused health officials to start a panic; how can anyone possibly consume this much coffee? Well, because the trenta is a whopping 916 ml, Starbucks has limited the beverage options for this particular size. Starbucks is allowing only iced coffee, iced tea, and lemonade to be put into this cup. Only some iced beverages will be available because according to health officials, no one should have more than 31 ounces of hot coffee all at once, as the caffeine content is high plus you would put strains on your body just consuming the drink. In fact, in 2006 the NPR news station had done a report stating that as a general rule, most people need a typical six ounce cup of coffee to get a buzz of caffeine. While NPR was doing this study, it was noted that a grande (16 oz) cup of coffee at Starbucks contains over 300 mg of caffeine, which is three times the amount than a six ounce cup. According to caffeine statistics, a venti size of brewed coffee contains 415 mg of caffeine, equivalent ta two and a ~ half regular cups of coffee. If a customer was to get a trenta size of iced coffee, the amount of caffeine would be close to 500mg, which is equal to about three regular cups of coffee. Starbucks is not the first company to upgrade their sizes to a dramatic level. Companies like McDonalds, Dunkin Doughnuts, and 7-11 all offer sizes of 20 ounces or over. Starbucks claims that their customers want the new, bigger size. In 2010, Starbucks did a test run in some markets and people were thrilled about the bigger size. As the cup size is only going to be 50 cerits more than the leading size, people are apparently willing to buy it. This new size is currently available in 14 of the United States, and will be available everywhere in the states on May 3. Trenta is expected to be seen in Canada shortly after its expansion through the U.S. Douglas starts first psychosocial rehabilitation program Maria Asselin-Roy Staff Reporter . ouglas College is launching its D«= psychosocial rehabilitation program in September. Douglas is presenting its newest program, which is also the only program of the sort in Western Canada, which will train mental health practitioners to assist those that have some sort of mental illness in recovery. The program will also train students to help those in need by helping to change their lives and help get them back and become active in their communities. Psychosocial rehabilitation is a system where people with mental illnesses receive the support and services’ that they need, in helping these people live and work within their communities. 4 This program will show students how to help someone who has been isolated for quite some time, and how to regenerate them into mainstream society. Students will also learn how to teach their clients on how to manage their mental illness, and will give theiy client a choice on how they would like their illness treated. This program is only one year long, and is particularly for students who already have a psychology, nursing, or other degree. The classes will be held on weekends and evenings. Experience © in this field is not necessary for this program,.although there are pre-requisites for psychology that should be met. Currently, applications are being accepted for September 2011. If you would like more information on this program, check out Also, be sure to check with the registrar’s office to be sure you have the proper requirements before applying. Beginning of the end? By Kate Hunt 9, 2011 marks the beginning of the end—of the Mayan calendar, that is. Wednesday marks the dawn of the wave of Unity, the ninth and final in the Mayan Long Count calendar. Experts say that the 234-day wave will consist of 18-day periods of significant global change. It is designed to lead humanity into its highest state of consciousness. “Very likely this is our last chance to live up to being co- creators with the cosmic plan,” writes Carl Calleman, creator of the Tree of Life Celebration website. This is the point, he says, when we must switch from ego- driven pursuits to service of the “divine plan.” Calleman also writes that as 2011 coincides with the dawn of unity consciousness, it will be a remarkable year in many ways. In 2011 we encounter four unusual dates: 1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11 and 11/11/11. Further, this year everybody can add the last two digits of their birth year to the age they will turn in 2011 to obtain the sum, you guessed it, I. And it gets spookier. Calleman attributes the recent “aflockalypse” (mysterious mass deaths of birds and fish) to the coming new wave and suggests it is a warning to humanity to re-balance the planet’s ecology. In fact, many say there is potential for a Judgment Day within the new wave. But isn’t the end of the world supposed to happen in 2012? To be more specific, doomsday is purported to be [: is well-documented that March Ninth wave of the Mayan Calendar begins March 9 December 21, 2012, the date that marks the end of the Long Count calendar’s 5125-year cycle from the “zero date” of 3114 BCE. Many have interpreted the end of the cycle to mean the end of the world; however, there is no reference in any ancient Mayan text to suggest an apocalypse on this date. In fact, the Mayan calendar obliquely references dates beyond December 21, 2012. More likely, this day will see mass celebrations of completing cycle that has been in the works for thousands of years, and the calendar will reset to a new “zero date.” Despite hype in the media, many are sceptical of both the 2012 theory and the Mayan calendar itself. Douglas College student Zoe Klassen says, “I only believe in 20/2 the movie.” Nikki - Harder echoes the sentiment, but offers support for the coming evolution of human consciousness: “I don’t really believe in the Mayan calendar. But I do believe that we’ve been killing the planet and encountering such problems with the economy and wars that our awareness is awakening. I totally believe we’ll hit a wall and then have no choice but to go up, to build up our awareness toward a better world.” : The Mayans were a civilization that reached their height between 250 and 900 CE in what is now Central America. After the arrival of the Spanish, Mayan civilization was largely destroyed, but their complex writing system, and famous calendar, have been salvaged. Carl Calleman has studied the Mayan calendar since 1979 and gives lectures around the world. His website is www