Brady Ehler, lain W. Reeve, and Vince Yim, Crack Theatre Squad Banking on Heaven lain W. Reeve This was, without a doubt the best film | saw at the festival. The film was a documentary investigating the fundamentalist polygamist groups in Arizona, Utah, and Texas. It sought to outline the abuse— mental, physical, and sexual—that occurs in these communities. Also brought to light were the extreme cases of fraud, which were used to support the leadership of what could easily be called a cult. This film hit particularly close to home considering that a community of the same faith exists here in the BC town of Bountiful. Banking on Heaven took great pains to outline the life of the communities. Interviews with former residents, both outcasts and escapees, Current resi- dents, and activists and government officials showed the many sides of the issue. The audience learned of disgusting cases of sexual abuse with girls as young as seven. It contained many heartrending stories. The most depressing part of the film was the section that demonstrated the lack of action on the part of government and the larger Mormon Church to try and Stop any of what is hap- pening. | appreciate the passion of the filmmakers to bring attention to this long-ignored issue. It’s impossible for me to go into all the detail necessary to do this movie justice. To_. il learn more about the issue, | wal suggest you check out |