ADBUSTERS MEDIA FOUNDATION ............ 736-9401 1243 West 7th Avenue, Vancouver An organization committed to pointing out the truth about advertis- ing and our greedy market economy. Publishes Adbusters Quarterly, an internationally distributed magazine that always needs volunteers. ADULT CHILDREN OF ALCOHOLICS recorded meeting list .................-..022+---. 437-0201 voice mail box 250-9432 Twelve Step support group for people 19 and older who grew up in an alcoholic,.addictive, or otherwise dysfunctional family and want to try to improve their lives. AFFORDABLE HOUSING SOCIETIES .......... .- 521-0818 fax 521-1971 rental information ...... iecseiblcdussoricbeseteccne SEI 2496 211 - 800 McBride Boulevard, New Westminster A non-profit housing society which acquires, constructs and manages rental accommodation in the Lower Mainland. Various rental rates, in- cluding qualified low income. Also acts as a resource group assisting the development of cooperative housing. AIDS TESTING (New Westminster) .......... 525-3661 fax 525-0878 537 Carnarvon Street, New Westminster Provides free testing for the AIDS virus and all STD's. Call ahead for days and hours. AIDS VANCOUVER 24 hour Helpline ...............-00eceesereereeeeree 687-2437 business line 893-2210 1107 Seymour Street, Vancouver ' This association is an advocacy group for persons living with AIDS and persons who are HIV+.They provide outreach support services, infor- mation, and literature to the community as a whole. They also need volunteers to help people living with AIDS. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. ..........-.00cceereereee 434-3933 3457 Kingsway, Vancouver A mutual help fellowship of recovering alcoholics using the Twelve Step program. Will refer you to a meeting close to you and possibly connect you with another recovering alcoholic, if you so desire. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL .........-2-00-e00e0--. 294-5160 4 - 3664 East Hastings, Vancouverthe federal and provincial govern- ments for changes in legislation for students, provide a student travel service, a speakers’ service and other things. COLLEGE-INSTITUTE EDUCATORS’ ASSOCIATION OF BC 873-8988 fax 2873-8865 301 - 555 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver CIEA works on. behalf of faculty to promote quality instruction and accessible post-secondary education. COMMITTEE FOR RACIAL JUSTICE ............ 683-2303 fax 683-6633 5 - 1241 Homer Street, Vancouver Umbrella organization comprised of community, labour, religious and service organizations aimed at fighting racism. CO-OPERATIVE HOUSING FEDERATION..... 879-5111 public information line ....................... .-- 879-5112 4676 Main Street, Vancouver The federation provides advocacy and information services for mem- ber co-ops. A waiting list for affordable housing projects and an infor- mation line are available to the public. CO-OP RADIO CFRO 102.7 FM..........22222---- 684-8494 337 Carrall Street, Vancouver English Canada’s only listener supported, volunteer-run, community radio station. Volunteers are always needed. CRISIS INTERVENTION & SUICIDE PREVENTION CENTRE 733-4111 24 hour distress line ......... cctmebiatvaseiteore 733-1171 1946 West Broadway, Vancouver Volunteers are needed; training is provided. DIAL - A - LAW 687-4680 845 Cambie Street, Vancouver Dial-a-law maintains a library of tapes, and they are available to give general legal information over the phone. The tapes, prepared by law- Other Press Telereg Extravaganza! Community Director an attempt to provide you with some resources and volunteer organizations available in your ar yers, include civil rights, family law, and criminal law. DENTISTRY FACULTY — UBC..............-- weer 622-2112 fax 822-3562 2199 Westbrook Mall, Vancouver Services provided by students under direct supervision of dental fac- ulty. Emergency services provided to relieve pain, but otherwise ac- ceptance may depend on educational needs of students. Fees are one- third those of a dentist in private practice. DOUGLAS COLLEGE DENTAL AUXILIARY PROGRAM 527-5094 Limited dental services like examinations, x-rays, and preventative care. Services provided by students under supervision. Preference given to patients 4 - 18 years of age. No major work done. Fluctuating fee. Not open all year round. DOWNTOWN EASTSIDE RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATION 682-0931 4 - 9 East Hastings treet, Vancouver DERA is an advocacy group for tenants in the Vancouver area, working to ensure tenants’ rights. Will assist with most tennant desputes. DOWNTOWN EASTSIDE WOMEN’S CENTRE 681-8480 44 East Cordova, Vancouver The centre is operated on a drop-in basis and provides crisis counseling. English as a Second Language and assertiveness training classes are among the many services offered. DOWNTOWN EASTSIDE YOUTH PROJECT .. 685-4488 223 Main Street, Vancouver Nurses on duty to provide counselling and assistance with STD's, AIDS testing, drug use problems, nutrition, and more. Next door to the Needle Exchange. EMPLOYMENT SKILLS FOR une seeseeeeee 683-3449 1406 - 207 West Hastings, Vancouver A twelve-week pre-employment training course is offered for women re-entering the work force. Women are paid an hourly wage for par- ticipation. END THE ARMS RACE ..........-00cecceereerreoreeee 136-2366 232 - 2182 West 12th Avenue, Vancouver This coalition of 250 peace and disarmament groups from the Lower Mainland organizes the Canadian Peace Pledge Campaign, the Nuclear Weapons Free Zone Campaign, and Vancouver’s Annual Walk for Peace. EVERYWOMAN’S HEALTH CENTRE............. 322-6692 205 East 44th Avenue, Vancouver Provides abortion related services, including abortions, until the 14th week of pregnancy. Services include non-coercive decision making counseling as well as pre- and post-abortion counseling. Women can self-refer. FAMILY ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM New Westminster ......... Suoenieteicverssinatenees aa OEe 40 Begbie Street, New Westminster Coquitlam 931-1951 1212 Austin Street, Coquitlam Workers assist parents to become better parents — includes training in parenting, problem solving, communication, relationships, and life skills. Accepts only self-referrals. FAMILY VIOLENCE INTERVENTION PROJECT 731-4951 1616 West 7th Avenue, Vancouver Program for families and individuals involved with men who have assaulted their women partners. Groups and counseling available for men responsible for violence, and women and children who have ex- perienced abuse. Groups meet in Vancouver and New Westminster. GAY AND LESBIAN CENTRE..........-20ccc2eeeceee 684-6869 2 - 1170 Bute Street, Vancouver This centre offers counseling, workshops, networking, and meeting space for all interested people. The centre also houses a library and coordinates a foodbank. GREENPEACE FOUNDATION ..........-2-2--- eocce 291-7701 fax 253-0114 1726 Commercial Drive, Vancouver Greenpeace advocates for positive change in areas of environmental protection, nuclear disarmament, and animal welfare. September 20, INDIAN HOMEMAKERS’ ASSOCIATION ...... 201 - 640 West Broadway, Vancouver Head office of 92 Native Indian women’s groups concerned with ing Native Indian people. Various types of counseling are availab! skills training, information and assistance with child welfare, and liaison services. INFORMATION DAYCARE ..........-200ce2eecereee : 201 - 1675 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver Provides information and lists of daycares to parents looking fo ous types of daycare facilities for their children in the Lower Mai INFORMATION SERVICES VANCOUVER ...... 3102 Main Street, Vancouver Provides phone numbers and information on a wide variety of se in the Vancouver area. INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION RE- SOURCES ASSOCIATION ...............- besreneoea - 738- 2524 Cypress Street, Vancouver IDERA promotes awareness of international development issu concerns. They have films, speakers, and a resource library avail KIDS CHILD CARE CENTRE..........222-200eee-ee» 330 East Columbia Street, New Westminster Short-term and flexible care for children 3 months to 6 years. for reservations. Hourly and monthly rates available. KOSHER FOOD BANK........002ececseccereereerereeee 266- 305 - 2025 West 42nd Avenue, Vancouver Food collected at synagogues. Serves referrals (you can refer yo LAWYER REFERRAL SERVICE..............----- -- 687- 845 Cambie Street, Vancouver Provides referrals to specialized lawyers who can provide legal c tation for thirty minutes at a cost of ten dollars. This program is ff by the Canadian Law Foundation. LIVING THROUGH LOSS COUNSELING SOCIETY 0 873-5013 101-395 West Broadway, Vancouver A resource centre for people who have experienced a traumati such as the death of a spouse, child, or friend, the break-up of tionship, or the loss of a job. Individual or group counseling i able. Fees are $50.00 per hour or on a sliding scale for those on| or other income assistance programs. MINISTRY OF HEALTH AIDS & STD LINE... 872- A taped message provides information on sexually transmitt eases. You can speak with a nurse if necessary between the ho to 3 on weekdays. Gives numbers for scheduling AIDS tests. MOSAIC 254- 1720 Grant Street, Vancouver MOSAIC offers translation, counseling, and information for thos immigration concerns and/or English as a Second Language ne| MOTHERS AGAINST DRINKING DRIVERS .. 524- 820 - 12th Street, New Westminster MADD offers legal and emotional support for victims and survi accidents caused by drunk drivers. Group founded by victims of drivers. MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY OF CANADA437- fax 437- 205 - 6125 Sussex Avenue, Burnaby Information, research and coordination of services for people with MS is organized by the Society. MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY ASSOCIATION OF CANA 732-8799 fax 303 - 1338 West Broadway, Vancouver This association provides information to the public, and solicit for research on muscular dystrophy. An equipment loan prog one of the services available to registered clients. NATIVE EDUCATION CENTRE ...........2---22--. 873- 285 East 5th Avenue, Vancouver Variety of educational and training programs available. Works i junction with VCC and Douglas College. NEEDLE EXCHANGE .......20cccceecceorreensronreeee 685- 221 Main Street, Vancouver Provides clean needles & condoms to people who need them 731-