The Other Press So here we are at .the end of another term. 1981 gave us tuition increases, Reagan, a campus in decline. What will 1982 give us? More tuition increases? A new campus? More Reagan, nuclear war? Or what? ' 7 ~~ 1 don’t know. Heck, | am just a newspaper man cronicall- ing the campus events and other hicups in history. The Sofa Scandle is one such _hicup. Here we have a student council, burnt out from protesting and terrible dances weirily contest- ing the aquisition of a couch from its friendly ~ headache the other press. This is not a serious issue. So why read this editorial? Good question. | will atempt to answer it. Um, ahh, well; like, you know, there was this couch, eh? And we like ahh, needed it...see? So we ahh, like took it, Ya know? The staff (survivors of this fall’s gruelling semester) wish to make an appeal to any comradres at arms (or legs, or whatever one -can type or click a camera with) for the spring term. The Other Press Liberation Army, with our policy of being agents of social chains, oops, change, welcomes new recruits. You - don’t have to be proficient at typing, grammar, spelling, etc. Every littlbe bit counts. If we had your help we wouldn’t have to enlist the — energies of Cap Courier or Peak, or even: Ubyssey people (Dave Balderstone, Stew Murray, Al McColl, Craig Brooks, Arnold Hedstrom or Glen Sanford.) This issue’s miraculous production was possible only through the concern and dedica- tion of students (like you) who have volun- teered their time, energy and stimulants. The Other Press would like to thank the following masochists: lan Hunter, Perry O, Warren Laine, Helene W, Claire Christian, Cal Reyburn, PJ Stallard (no relation), Tom Goode, - and, of course, Lina and Paul. This is it, the last OP for the term. We leave you now to recover from the past gruelling term of putting out this rag so you can read these incredible staff boxes. We'll be back in the spring term, behind the juice machine in the cafeteria, once again striving to produce the finest college paper in New Westminster. How about you? The Other Press is a democratically run, autonomous student newspaper.published eight times a semester under the auspices of the Other Publications Society. Membership on staff is open to all Douglas College students, with the exception of executive members and employees of the Student Society. The Other Press is a member of Canadian University Press, a cooperative organization of Candaian student newspapers. National adver- tising is handled by Canadian University Press Media Services, a CUP member owned advertising cooperative. i The Other Press strives to be an agent of social change, and as such maintains an editorial policy of opposing sexism, racism and facism. The Other Press news office is located behind the juice machine in the New Westminster campus cafeteria. phone number is 525-3542. Our mailing address is Box 2503; Douglas College, New Westminster, B.C. Ihe Other .- oa Why can’t some people shut-up sometimes? | Editor: Other Press, | am sitting in the cafeteria because | figure the noise level is relatively the same here as in the library and | might as well sit here than over there; either place offers the same amusements. Rather than going home on my breaks to watch ‘‘soap operas’’ all | have to do is visit the campus library dates are made, future plans developed and hearts are broken. | tind this type of behaviour acceptable in the cafeteria, but | am quite confused about the library. Is this what is meant by being ‘“‘liberated’’ in the area of freedom of speech; anywhere, anytime, at everyone’s ex- pense? | differ greatly to the majority if this is so. I’m afraid | attend college and use the library to learn. The library to me (of course | can only relate to what a library should be from my exper- ience at SFU and UBC) is a place where | can go to study and use information in a peaceful way. This is not so on this campus. You may wonder why or if | have made my _ complaint know to the librarians. | then will ask you if that is not part of their job. Aside from the fact that they are very helpful in many ways (i.e. getting information) why can’t they quieten down the library? However, students should take responsibility for plan- ning their futures etc. else- where! Please oh wise and wonderful newspaper can you comment on_ this horrible situation? Anon Join the OPLA, and you will be issued with regulation notepad, typewriter, silly hat - and big gun for extorting information