Page four The Other Mess | : by Mikey MacSkinflint Lou Rawls latest album, “Black & Blue’’, is just a lot of wasted black wax; just one more black man crying the blues. Lou, in his inevitablely sickening style, complains time and time again about this unfaithful black woman or the good old days gone by when they (him and his. three bro- thers) had a double bed all to themselves. Now it seems that they have to share the bed with the eldest brothers two wives. If all his whimpering and whinning doesn’t get to you then your bound to get sick when this nigger starts telling all about his dreams of going to ‘Kansas’ City’’. | honestly hope that the city fathers get wind of his plan by Pat Worthless Recently this reporter travelled to the environs of - Vancouver to conduct an exclusive interview with Paul McCartney, the fa- mous musician and former Beatle. OTHER MESS; Well Mr. McCartney, welcome to Vancouver! Glad to have -you_here; MCCARTNEY: No. O.M.: Okay McCartney let’s get a few things straight. I’m going to ask you anything | like and you have to give me an answer. MCCARTNEY: Right mate, do what you like. There’s only two questions that can bother me now-a-days. O.M.: When are the Beat- again? MCC.: That’s one. O.M.: Tell me about Rin- go. MCC: That’s two. O.M.: Say, do you think “Wings’’ are as good as the Bay City Rollers? MCC: Well, | was wrong, that’s three. Listen ‘ere you bloody fool...! O.M.: Where were you born? from page 1 Joseph Edwards, (deceased 1977). —The scuba diving club that was rained out. —Douglas_ College. (It doesn’t need a punchline) —And the last of your student fees was spent trying to bail out the photography club, arrested for indecent exposure. And kiddies if you think those were dumb, your should read the rest of this rag. All in all, the year has les getting back together. April 8, 1980 3 Ty Goading again - so they can prepare al proper welcoming com- mittee, just in case the “‘wino’ manages to rob enough liquor stores with- out getting turned in by one of his fellow coons. Towards the end of the album, however, things start to look a bit better as the black man starts mak- ing promises regarding six feet of cold, cold ground just for him. 3 Any person knowing the whereabouts of one or more copies of ‘’Black and Blue’’ would be well advised to get in touch with me at ‘The Other Mess”’ office in order that | can instruct said person on the proper disposal of the NAACP’s most recent piece of propa- ganda. McCartney talks MCC: (surprised) In Liver- pool. O.M.: Where's that? Near Surrey? MCC: No it’s not bloody well near Surrey! It’s near London! O.M.: London. of that. MCC: Right. That does it. I’m leavin’. O.M.: Why did you break. up? The real truth now. © MCC: Well, the three of us, Lennon, Harrison and meself were playin’ in the studio when Ringo comes in with this gun... I’ve heard O.M.: Ringo was the drummer right. MCC: Right. Anyways, Ringo has this gun and ’e sayS... O.M.: He was a_ short fellow wasn’t he. MCC: Yes ’e was a short bloke! Now shut your bloody gob! Ringo says ‘I’m sick and tired ... O.M.: Where did he get the name Ringo? MCC: that does it! bloody well goin’! O.M.: No you’re not! You haven’t answered my questions! (Sounds of guitar being broken over reporter’s head) I’m . . guts continued. been great to us. We would like to thank those of you who are exceptionally apathetic because it left more beer for us at the pub nights. And to all the people we came in contact with throughout the year, yes, we meant it when we said, ‘‘Last night? Sure | respected you,’ | see however that it is morning. ‘‘Beam us up Scotty.’’ —God we are the Canadian Dream, we don’t think we are too extreme. - (F Zappa) g