ih Pe Mad Hatter Douglas College Newsletter. HAPPY CHOIR PERFORMS GRAND MASS Mr. Hoshina runs a happy choir. So says Mary Fraser, the most senior member of the Douglas College Choral Society. Five years ago she was taking an ear training class at Douglas College from Tatsuo Hoshina and he, with an ear for talent, en- couraged her to join his choir. Since then it has become an important part of Mary Fraser's life, as it has for many of the people involved. The choir itself, not counting the orchestra, includes about seventy voices. and though many of these are Douglas College students, the majority, like Mary Fraser, are drawn from the community. _Each year the Society performs two major works under Hoshina’s direction. Its two- night presentation of Handel's Messiah sold out last spring. The Society is looking © forward to matching that success with Mozart's Grand Mass in c minor to be performed December 6th at the Douglas College Performance Theatre. Though Mozart's works were usually commissioned, the Grand Mass was the fruit of a vow, says Fraser, whose interest in the Society's work goes beyond the music to its historical roots. Mozart wrote the mass in order to solemnize his marriage to Konstanze. Mary Fraser describes the Grand Mass as one of the most difficult projects the Society has taken on: “...at one point we split into two choirs which means there are eight voices instead of the usual four for Mr. Hoshina to conduct.” continued on page 2... IN THE HAT 2..... Announcements 9...._ Hours of Operation 3.... Mussallem on Board 10... Group Advising Sessions 3..... South Africa and Israel 11... Audio Visual Acquisitions 4.... Athletic Update 12... Christmas Trees 5... Upcoming Events 13... Innovation Abstracts © 6... Highlights