| L 3 CuLLese | ARCHIVES | Mad Hatter Page 5 LS ured in the initial presentations made by Newell Morrison, Chairman of the Board of B.C. Development Corporation. B. EXTERNAL MATTERS —- EDUCATION On August 24, the Council of Prin- cipals held a two-day Retreat, to discuss major issues affecting all colleges and institutes on the Province. The following week, the Council of Principals had its regular meeting in Richmond. On August 29 and September 19, I attended meetings at the B.C. Employers Council in Vancouver. I have been asked to act as the Com- munity College representative on a Task Force Committee established by the B.C. Employers Council on communications between the business community and the education system. This Committee is currently working on a major provincial conference on issues involving education and the business community. The Board will be kept informed as work pro- gresses in this area. On September 10, the Deans, the Bursar, the Development Officer, and I met with Mr. George Malby of the CEIC, to discuss details of the "First Chance" program, which could involve the College as a training centre for unemployed youth. Work is progressing on this at the divi- sional level. On September 13, I spent the day with Dr. Bruce Fraser of Malaspina College and Dr. Gerry Kilcup of the Justice Institute, discussing in- stitutional strategies for coping with further reductions in funding. C. INTERNAL - EDUCATION Dr. Gerry DellaMattia is continuing to chair the senior management com- mittee that is working on a current updating of the College 5-Year Plan. Work is going well, and the Board can be assured that necessary dead- lines will be met with the Ministry, and that adequate consultation and discussion will have occurred with- in the College prior to formal presentation of the 5-Year Plan update to the Board in November. On September 18, a workshop of line administrators was held regarding changed requirements for reporting of student enrollments to Victoria. On September 19, the I-Care Program held an informal celebration in honour of the adult learners, and their community volunteer tutors at the Royal Avenue Site. Mr. Cliff Murnane attended on behalf of the Board. Another such event will be held in Maple Ridge next week, that I understand will also be attended by Board members. I can assure the Board members that their presence is appreciated by students and College personnel. D. INTERNAL —- PERSONNEL On August 24 a meeting was held with Excluded Personnel in regard to their working conditions and remuneration. Recommendations will be forthcoming to the Board in this regard during the Closed Meeting. With regret, I must inform the Board that Mr. West Graydon, Director of Physical Plant & Site Services has resigned, effective September 17, in order to take up a senior position with the Expo '86 Construc- tion Authority. Mr. Graydon will effectively be responsible for all construction operations on the site of Expo '86. The College has been privileged to have an extraordinar- ily capable construction profes- sional on its staff now for seven years, and owes Mr. Graydon a perm- anent debt of gratitude. This new job represents an opportunity for