Employment Opportunities da. douglas college Op invites applications for the following continuous full time positions. (1) Divisional Secretary/Assistant - Dean of Education and Student Services. Competition #81-049R (il) Divisional Secretary/Assistant - Dean of Academic Studies. Competition #81-050R (1i1) Divisional Secretary/Assistant - Dean of Applied Programs. Competition #81-051R The incumbent provides stenographic, clerical and administrative services for the Division. These duties require frequent contact with College administrat- ors, faculty, staff and outside educational institutions such as school districts, colleges, universities, etc. Performance of these duties will require considerable independence of action. A critical function is the establishment and reassign- ment of priorities for work performed on a daily basis. ‘ Written applications quoting the respective competition number will be received by the Personnel Department up to 5:00 PM June 1, 1981. DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AND COMMERCE, Requires Full-time per- manent instructors in the following areas: ACCOUNTING - one position The successful candidate will have an appropriate Accounting designation, significant work experience and will be able to assume instructional duties at the lst and 2nd year level in accounting. DATA PROCESSING - one position The successful candidate will posses an appropriate degree and have significant work experience. Knowledge of BASIC, COBOL, RPG, PH/1, PASCAL is highly desirable. SALARY: Subject to collective agreement STARTING DATE: September 1, 1981 CLOSING DATE: June 15, 1981 Please apply in writing quoting competit- ion #81-698 to: Douglas College, Personnel Dept., Box 2503, New Westminster, BC. V3L 5B2 MAD HATTER PAGE ‘2 o wa Kwantien College requires REGULAR FULL TIME INSTRUCTORS BUSINESS - Three instructors to teach in the Business Diploma programs and Eco- nomics discipline. QUALIFICATIONS: Baccalaureate degree required. Masters or Doctoral degree preferred. Ability to teach in 2 or more of: General Business, Accounting, Economics, Market- ing, Electronic Date Processing. Post secondary teaching experience pre- ferred. CRIMINOLOGY & CRIMINAL JUSTICE - one instructor. QUALIFICATIONS: Ability to teach at leat 3 of: Sociological Crimin- Ology, Criminal Law, Law Enforcement, The Justice System. Masters degree preferred. Work experience in law, police or corrections required. Post secondary teaching experience, preferred. PSYCHOLOGY- ‘one instructor. QUALIFICATIONS: Ability to teach Instro- ductory Psychology and courses in at least 2 of the following: Experiemental Psychology, Development Psychology, Social Psychology. Masters degree required. Relevant work experience an asset. Post secondary teaching experience preferred, READING AND STUDY SKILLS - one instructor. QUALIFICATIONS: Ability to teach Reading and Study Skills. Ability to teach Writing skills an asset. Experience in development and/or operation of a learn- ing Resource Cantre an asset. Master degree preferred. Teaching experience at post secondary level required. GENERAL BUSINESS - One instructor to teach Accounting and Marketing. QUALIFICATIONS: Completion of RIA, CA or CGA Program. Recent business ex- perience. Teaching experience pre- ferred. Starting date: August 1, 1981 Closing date: June 12, 1981 Please apply in writing, quoting com- petition No. 81-697 to: Kwantlen College, Personnel Department.