zs iF 8 s”.h— CSC ee lr — —— r ——— as. a guide to managi the budget this is successful in obtaining. additional fall = to be modified as ae tes ESE fundi. mgt Oe 1. Gordon Gilgan and Ed Redmond will do their ae ae ‘number of courses offered in September down somewhat from vant number of courses” offered last September, with the goal being | ee ate fon to reduce laiccriae! to actual levels of success Jast year. me Opae eee a be Ss, ins eee un less mew nou ys is A ie, af the! bi) . : ; : cancelled yn a $ provi ing Dee es oe an overall progr m. These cla " consultation with the faculty invol ved. _ There will be a ''mir i-budget!! review — in October, , at whi detai led ‘accounti ng will be nore by the Deans forecast deficit, wi n thei r Div isions rema ine bet at that time, appr opriate yrt-term act Poet t = , ensure that the College meets both its educat’ ee obligations. There is general agreement the : ‘next ye ensure that we move as close to a fino add, ‘no drop" model of forma as aps ale: aN Tee - : 1 We have ‘every reason to believe that before the | end of final word from Vi ctoria regarding this year' $§ budge ,» and | our “ongoing an independent college. Therefore, era ea '! session in octot the einek ag e line for. es lege ‘operations. I will be on vacation “Front Monday , July HE Pri ra Eira 9th. . For ‘che: first wo cule (Ju ly 13-26), Ed Redmond wi i11 be dcting icovveaer Fi. nt; for the second two weeks iki: 27-August a), Jim Deer a becca ee Dean iece President. Rie oD he ali : | will be phoning in on Friday anes ngs each week, should there bes et iad matters anyone wishes to discuss with me, ie . wea x After consi dera ble idtecuaatany the Deans have ‘accepted th ie follo wit nae roach i j 1e arenes