January 7, 1981 MEET THE NEW PRESIDENTS There will be a reception for our two new presidents in the cafeteria of the Surrey Campus at 1430 on Friday, 81-01-09. This will afford all Douglas College employees an opportunity to talk to Bill Day and Tony Wilkinson, to sip wine, to munch cheese and to enjoy the superb hospitality of the South. The Action - Presidents’ Reception The Place - Surrey Campus Cafeteria The Time - 1430 The Date - 81 - 01 -09 LIBRARY SERVICES In order to coordinate instruction and use of the library the following services are available: 1) Library orientations and tours geared to your class needs and assignments. To arrange for orientations please contact the public services Librarian, for, your campus: Coquitlam and Maple Ridge, Ralph Stanton, local 16, Coquitlam: New Westminster, Virginia Chisholna, local 256, Richmond, Surrey, Langley, and Newton, Cathy MacDonald, local 248, Surrey. 2) Books and xeroxed articles may be placed on two-hour 24-hour, three-day, or one-week reserve at the circulation desk of each campus. 3) AV services are available from the AV department in each library. 4) Encourage students who are writing term papers and who seem unfamiliar with techniques in using a library to take the 1 1/2 credit course LIB 111 Skills for College Library Research offered every semester. Thank you for your interest: