| Ge 980 DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY May 13, 1 Douglas Col that only at ARCHIVES san nde yg meant ny which ‘a $otey stim MEP HOTIEN | \ihen c AO pte tees with vat The opirendy fatter the war sen though the Mat net apply Went The pee 1 ATIGN ittation ufter the Freach Resolution, ‘ate of exchange in 1923 by issuing. the dollar, [Risen |, bed hin inthe end wath inkiAG i aS Shor Caesar obliges not oathest vither ype ie et Hive 7 The vatlotien Watling any BCC a Ia ay Mi Heap ASSL TATA COIN Biggs tig Pant lary Doha ie moral evils the an wutial fran at ase ger ose that an Hawears words “hi HES GUENVTT Wales L with holes” This Sontinuous besuise & aint seener at hater high) satised tind suits the lege atter | Hay Hatte made. A new vomage may be is especnilly one with a restored co Of precious metal: ora new curr (ke the Deutschmark) may be saluted tor the old. or the den Havion of the old currency ma divided by some factor, as the Trane Was divided By 100-10 prox the Meee Pum Wn WSS TY Mesures May be necessitated wi the old cu Shas become eu. unusable. hike the German Mark W923. or they my be merely Pyeholowicul SUN Tieanee In either OF COUre. Lis the new eurreney that Mops the Maton the New currenes could debauched as Mists the old Wh Mops the anthition iy the will SOCCrMENE Not (ogo on infitin fo bake the Sensequenees less. the govern : tentions yr \ ae hy Fy: