b % Provincial schclastic Awards. Instructors are reguested to eadvise slasses f that applications for these awards #ill be received at the Acmissicns Office on any campus until’ closing time on 6 December, 1972. : The following criteria apply: 1. Applicants must be Canadian citizens or hold Landed immigrant status from 1 September, 1972. > The n by taking 17% listed in & applicants o it 1s time again for students to apply for the British 4. Oniy those students who complete the Douglas Collese Sch Aw stermining the winners, the net GPA's of from 1 Sexstember, 3. Applicants must complete a course load of at least 15 cree SOULS an the current seyidster with @ net G.P.A. of at dese ar@s application form will be considered. umber of awards to be distributed at Douglas is ot the total number of full-time students enrolle: these who apply cencing order of G.P.A. Awards are then made until awards run out, which ever occurs first. aa ei Sati. Eacn award is $100.00 and wi} ill be made by cheque payable to the student. adil ~Lapplyt LT 2 Sec