ae _tern on January 10 | noticed page 10 ” ‘Wednesday, January 18, 1984 men losers Women While watching: the’ se- cond half of the women’s game against Trinity Wes- by Martin Hemerik that something was different on the Douglas Team but | couldn’t point my finger on what it ‘was exactly. Finally it dawned on me, they were smiling. in light of their 70-40 thrashing of Trinity West- ern,.a-team that had earlier in the season beaten them by 20 points, it may not seem like anything unusual but the fact is you don’t see players smiling except for two reasons. Either they have just signed a multi- year mega-buck contract or they are dominating an op- ponent totally, both mental- ly and physically. ly and physically. In Doug- las’ case it was the latter. They easily played their best home game of their existence. The offense was explosive and the defense was solid. The team. started slowly and trailed early -but. were soon back ing the thick of the match thanks to some excellent foul shooting by Jan Torrey who connected on 70 percent of her shots throughout the game. Sue Olson played outstanding consistent defense. Richard Norman, the wo- men’s coach, was a bit: apprehensive about the Tuesday night match as the team ahd just come off the hard three game tournament team, they rose to the occa- clock bu passing the ball around. However | wanted them. to have seventy for the write-up so | asked the coach for two more points. He simply yelled three words at his team, Go For It and they promptly replied by netting two more points with a whole 8 seconds on the clock. What more can a guy ask for! 3 The men did not fare as have won. Although the score was 67-54 for Trinity the game was actually a lot closer than that as Trinity scored 10 points int eh last two minutes. Douglas held on to a slim lead for all but the last five minutes of the game. They could have easily opened up a big lead but their rebound- ing was nowhere to be seen Triumph over Trinity well in a game they should: both offensively and defen- sively. the only bright spot about the team was Mark White who was the Best consistent player throughout the game. ; However, their next hom game is against Cariboo thi Friday and you better be- lieve they are going to avenge this performance so come out, it promises to be a good match. e at Cariboo College. But, in a : fashion that seems to have. I i S become characteristic of the e e a ison and totally demoralized Trinity who perhaps expec- ~ ted an easy victory. The game also had an interesting sidelight in that for the first time in basket- ball a sports reporter was partially responsible for two points in a game. Douglas was leading 68-40 and had control of the ball with 25 seconds left to play and Norman was content to have them eat up the rest of the. ait 3 4 THERE'S — NO MAGIC PILL TO STOP THE SPREAD _OF VENEREAL DISEASE The only etfective way to lower the risk of infectious disease is to avoid skin-to-skin Co-ed volleyball is the intramural sport for . this semester. Check posters in the concourse and _ lower cafeteria area for informa- tion. Thursday 12-2 PM will be the game times. Indoor soccer for men and women is underway with games scheduled with SFU and Trinity Western. Call local 5338 for more infor- mation. Registration for fitness classes has gone extremely well and classes are continu- ing the same as last semes- ter with only one change. Drop-in rates are now $2 per class. Passes are $20 for any | 20 classes during this sem-! ester. They are still avail-. able in room 1338. ATTENTION CURLERS, the college is putting to- gether a curling team that; may be heading to Montreal! ‘courstesy of the this spring. If you’re inter- ested in joining the team contact Gert Van Niekerk in office 1336. On Thursdays at 7:30 PM to 10:30 PM there is recre- ational badminton in the “ym. Bob Scott is the head honcho for court space. Speaking of badminton, Robin Ryan’s (a name syn- onymous with the sport here at Douglas) badminton team will compete here -in the Vaicouver and District Championships on January 25 at 6 to 10 PM. The men’s ice hockey team, in their new jersies student society, will play at home on February 4 and 5 at Four Rinks. Cariboo College will be here Friday January 20 at 6:30 and January 21 at 2 PM. The Friday night game will feature door prizes but that shouldn’t be the reason you come out to the game. It is no secret that ' only Douglas students fail to re- alize that their team is one of the best in all B.C.’s colleges. HOW TO PARTICIPATE > | contact. Only the condom lets you do that. T PICKUP PLEDGE FORMS FROM PARTICIPATING | That's one good reason for using it. || BOWLING CENTRES OR PHONE 434- IAI! FOR 5 ue 5 The other good reason is that it’s a reliable Be ee er aoe cous and highly effective contraceptive. ee PERT OF YON | gxugDay FEBRUARY 4: Z : THREE GAMES OF REGULAR LEAGUE PLAY AS : Take our advice. Check with your doctor _|I| youe BowLFORMIWIONS GAME. Scz PLEDEE || CELEBRITY DAY. (OPIN - 10.004m.-/:00 2m. ' or local birth control clinic. || FORM FOR COLLECTION DETAILS. NON-LEAGUE ee ae nes Then take a GOWLERS - (F YOU ARE BOWLING INDIVIDUALLY, |] 3 PUN” 108m 6:02. Lou LAWS, ba |] ROLL ONE GAME FOR BIC BROTHERS AND si apwTPO Lous.« their advice. - BETWS FARE HAVE SCORE VERIFIED. REFER TO PLEGE FOM nee FOR DETAILS. TEAM-FOR-A-DAY BOWLERS — ee EE aus 19° INDIVIDUALS ARE INVITED TOFORM ATEAM = O° WI FOUR OTHER FRINIDS/COLLENALES pup || A FAGUE BOWLERS ; TD CHALLENGE OTHER TEAMS INTHE TEAM - | | a oat FOR-A-DAY | Cone: eee for. 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