The Other Press, December 9th, /982 by Lina Meagher When was the last time you found yourself at a good old rock-and-roll gig? What? Can’t remember? Maybe you should try to do more danc- ing and less drinking next time; not that such consum- erism is bad news to the (Get Mislaid never seen nor heard before. Anyway, there are always reviews. Hopefully, you're reading this for reasons oth- er than boredom. You are? Oh! ...Good. Then maybe you might be interested in who plays what. On lead voice is Billy Regan, former- ly of the ‘‘Reagan Brothers.”’ Billy carried a fair bit of experience. He’s sung in almost every province. Stew- art Collins plays lead guitar and Marc Leblanc does rhy- thm and second lead. When Stew and Marc are onstage together, an observer might sense an air of competitve- ness between these two, but, heck, it makes for a better show. The bass guitarist, David Payne, is Mislaid’s newest member. He has been play- ing with some small (very small) local acts over the last few years. David is well end- owed with some pretty enth- usiastic bass licks. it’s good to finally see him in a band that seems to appreciate tal- ent. Well, haven’t got much to say about Rendell Roberts except maybe that he plays ‘rage 13 drums the way I’ve always ) wanted to...sigh. All in all, Mislaid has the high energy of a band that hasn’t yet suffered from ‘‘B club burnout.’’ Catch them before they leave fr the in- terior: December 10th — 8:00 p.m. Grandview Hall 2205 Commercial Drive *for tix phone Dave ers band, of course. Band equip- ment is worth far more than the stacks of brown return- ables at the end of the night. About Mislaid’s last gig...a fantastic, great, good-time but that’s just one opinion. And who'really cares? Come see them Dec. 10th. Have F your own fantastic, great, good-time. Sure, why not avoid the high cost and ugly bouncers of the local dives? These places don’t often hire E. JESSEN LIMITED MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS | MUSIC BOOKS METRONOMES NOW YOU'RE 19. YOU THINK YOU HAVE A CHOICE IN TOMORROW? WELL... GUITAR TUNERS MUSIC STANDS] “STRINGS PICKS REEDS E.T.C. MUSIC LESSONS MODERN STUDIO: PRIVATE original bands (boo, hiss) ‘INSTRUCTION FROM BEGINNERS Mislaid has 100% oneinel TO ADVANCED tunes. 4 e* At least they do right 1 now. GUITAR BASS ; A sad but true problem in the ‘\ ORGAN DRUMS music business is that most q club owners don’t like to take PIANO chances on an original act. TRUMPET So you're on the Provincial Voter's List. Unfortunately, this is also Lo You think you have the right to choose the general consensus of Se ; 5 i d > most ‘‘clubbies."’ It’s quite o ZX oe because ae registered to vote! understandable though. ou're crazy. Just look at your nearest Who doesn’t feel a little res- 5 522-531 3 Legislature or Government Agency. Put it off. Don't do it You have no choice in tomorrow. ’ erved about spending $3.00 on a cover charge? Especial- Uy when it’s for a band you've ) Cheryl's Golden Comb Why not treat your head 67-6th STREET NEW-WESTMINSTER to the best hair value in the city. 3 This international best seller by Paul Twitchell can unlock the door to a greater life for you! !t contains the ‘key to solving your day to day problems. and to unraveling the ~ mystery of the universe through the ' science of ECKANKAR. | !f you ‘want proven techniques for experiencing your divine. Self and entering those worlds not visible to the physical senses, you need jook no further than ECKANKAR... the KEY to SECRET WORLDS SPECIAL OFFER: Buy one ECKANKAR_ Key to Secret Worlds and receive a copy of Brad Steiger’s book In My Soul - | Am Free the amazing biography of Paul Twitchell at no extra charge! This special offer is available only through the Douglas College, Bookstore (8th & Royal Ave. N.W.) . hee ees oat | Repeat winner of the Golden Comb award, Cheryl » Beaton will sculpture your har like no other can. : Special offer to Douglas College students :-10% off haircuts 10%. off perms till end of December 3 36 BEGBIE STREET, NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. 522-841] le sae a eee | | PROVE IT FOR YOURSELF