President’s Report Lioyd Morin First of all, congratulations to all the employees and students whose dedication made the David Lam Campus Open House a major success. Thanks to this event, thousands of visitors have a greater appreciation of Douglas College and the many programs and services we offer them. The Open House brought us closer to the communities we serve. I personally ‘toured the campus and know the response from the public and visiting dignitaries was positive and enthusiastic. I realize it takes a lot of effort to successfully stage an event of this scale. Faculty organized and staffed displays, staff helped ensure everything was in place, and student volunteers welcomed and assisted our many visitors. For everyone involved, I trust the experience was a rewarding one. Thank you for an excellent Open House. MN soe_eorvaron INside Douglas College is published the first Tuesday of every month by the Communications & Marketing Office and the College Duplicating Centre. The next issue will appear on December 3. Deadline for submission for next issue is noon Tuesday, November 19. Submissions on floppy disk in WordPerfect or ASCII format would be appreciated. Material may be edited for brevity and clarity. Tips, scoops and suggestions are always welcome. Please contact the Communications & Marketing Office, (604) 527-5325, FAX: (604) 527-5095, Room 4700 at the New West campus, 700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 he College has now begun to develop a strategy for the evaluation of administrators’ performance. The first implementation of this strategy will occur at the level of Vice President. All the VPs are supportive of this evaluation and are working with me to develop appropriate procedures. Some of the remaining priorities for action include: ¢ The 1997-98 education plan and budget preparation. ¢ “In-unit” administration - consistent with recent agreements reached in collective bargaining. ¢ Institutional self-study. ° Institutional strategic planning. ¢ Implementation of plans for computer support systems. In response to community and student requests, as well as to the Ministry’s expectation that colleges exceed the 100% level of funded FTEs, the College is extending course offerings in the Winter 1997 semester. Approximately 22 sections of instruction budgeted for this year are being re-allocated from instructional areas having lower than expected enrolments into high-demand areas throughout the College. In addition, a further 25 sections are being added to high-demand areas using college funds previously allocated for developmental purposes and instructional support. Registrations in these sections of instruction will be monitored closely by the Deans, and necessary adjustments will be made prior to the start of January classes. I have met with Vice Presidents, Deans, Directors, Managers, the Chair of Education Council, and presidents of constituency groups to discuss an aiternative approach to the development, implementation, and evaluation of management decisions at Douglas College. (The discussions have been based upon the goals as presented at the September Board meeting.) More detail regarding the resulting plan is available to anyone interested, but, to be brief, let me simply outline the basic structure: ° Senior Management Team (SMT) President, Vice Presidents, and Executive Assistant SMT meetings will be complemented by three regularly scheduled groups: College Management Forum - will include the SMT and all those in positions reporting directly to a Vice President. College Constituency Groups - will include the SMT and two reps from each of the DCFA, the BCGEU, and the DCSS. Education Council Chair (and others at the Chair’s discretion), to meet with the President and Vice Presidents as appropriate. ° Divisional Management ¢ Departmental Management Task Groups with specific terms of reference will complement this basic management structure. These will often be College-wide, but may also be struck within a division or department. Issues Meetings will continue, with all interested parties invited to share information and perspectives on an issue being considered in the College. Details regarding meeting schedules, membership, and terms of reference for each component of the structure have been discussed and are available. With some generosity of spirit, planning participants expressed a willingness to put the proposed approa: to the test, with the reminder that we all need to refocus on the College mission and our shared goals as we proceed. ff