DOUGLAS COLLEGE 4IVES Mad Hatter Page 5 mt Pinel A ! andl we've decided it's almost ; essential to add the whole entrepre-j nevrial component," Dunn says. i The Guitar Construction program begins its first semester this He also adds there is plenty of individualized instruction throughout the program. This is essential when ' students begin work on the guitars of their choice, Dunn says. February. Dunn expects about 20 students to enroll, but he warns them to be prepared to really learn about guitars. "The one thing I've discovered over the years is that most people see the intonation lectures as the most difficult part of the program," he says. "That'll probably be the most often repeated portion of the course." But it won't be the only part of the program. Students in the Guitar Construction program are expected to start from scratch, and build two guitars from the ground up (one classical and the: other of the student's choice). When Dunn says the program begins with the basics, he means it. The course begins with the proper set- up of guitar workshop: what tools to use, how to maintain them, and how to select the proper woods. A thorough study of the history of guitar building is also included before the students begin on their own guitars. | | And then the hard part comes in. | Guitar Construction will provide complete instruction in the finer | parts of the business, things like | purfling (that's the fancy trim | around most custom guitar soundboxes), and then the lectures on business are added. $| "Actually, as far as I know, this i the most elaborate course of its kind in all of Canada," Dunn says. | side Project to undertake the project. iThe objectives of the research | structing students with special ;and to establish an inventory of 'existing computer hardware and soft- ireport on suitable applications for ; instructing students with special i needs. | Also contributing to the project were Research Paper Douglas College, in conjunction with the Maple Ridge School District and the Ministry of Education, has just published a research paper entitled "Applying Micro-Computer Technology in Adult Special Education". Don Allen, working with a small advisory committee, and with the assistance of Bobbie Boehm and Larry Davies, was seconded from the Lake- research. Don devoted his profes- sional development time to the project which led to the paper were to develop and test methods of in- needs and their "support networks" to access and use computer techndlogy to increase communications; develop a curriculum outline for teaching computer hardware and software applications to special needs stu- dents and their "support networks"; ware programs which includes a The The IODE Kinsmen Rehabilitation Foundation The Staff of Sunny Cedars School The Staff of Maple Ridge Secondary School Karl Perrin, Woodlands Linda ope es and the stude Douglas College's Functiona ee in