Features Continued from Pg 1 We Brou =) ale iis Emme DOV 7 =a) =) WLOUUVVOAIIT SL ZU Bs ~ et et ae s = 4 ee ee cise we received a traffic ticket upon exiting Trevor’s parking garage; which, by the way, he intends to fight. An interesting start to our trip, but it wasn’t a prediction of things to come. After an uneventful border crossing, the next item on the list was food. When you go to the States, where else do you go but Taco Bell? Their ridiculously cheap Mexican food is a road trip staple, and its status as such was cemented by an eating contest. For a mere $9, ten tacos were bought. Five minutes later, ten tacos were eaten and one man, Kevin Lalonde, emerged as the victor. Hilarious? Disgusting? Yes and yes. With bellies full of beans and beef, we headed into Seattle to find our hotel. Speaking of which, if ever you find yourself in need of a hotel down in Seattle, check out the Moore on 2nd Avenue. Prime location, cheap rates, and classically sparse rooms make this joint your best place to crash. Anyway, our stuff safely dumped in the hotel, we made a quick dash across the street to the Whiskey Bar and promptly booted it down to the Showbox. Because of tricky scheduling, we arrived late at the “Box, and totally missed The Fucking Eagles. We did have enough time to check out the wicked merch however, and make friends with our expert bartender Rob, who kept us joyously liquored for the duration of our visit to the venue. The Showbox, by the way, is a sweet venue. A less