A Rock'n Night of Prom Kali Thurber, A&E Editor Sadly, Canadian students are deprived of the glamorous tradition of prom night. Deprived of the hideously unflattering dresses, bow ties and shiny shoes, depressing love songs that force the single girls to cry in the bathroom stalls—it’s a true tragedy that we don’t get to partake in such a life-changing night. You just aren’t a real adult until you’ve survived prom. So what better way to remedy the dire situation than to attend the fabulously prom-themed pub night, hosted by the talented and beautiful Other Press? I know, I know, we should real- ly stop giving you our undying love and adoration with a great paper and splendid events such as this, but we just can’t help it. We love you so much. Maybe it’s more of a creepy obsession, but that’s just our quirky way, you understand. Hey, I know, why don’t you come over to the DSU building on Oct. 14 and then you'll really see how much we care (or stalk, pretty—you’re going to prom! Get ready for wacky dance compe- titions and prom king and queen awards. And I'll bet you think that’s all we've got. Well you’re wrong, dead wrong, We’re bringing you the time- less, fabulous rock ’n roll band of this cen- tury (make that of all time)—we’re bringing you Rock’n! This band will bring you back to the early 90s so fast you'll be seeing in hypercolour. They will keep you up all night for weeks un-ironic mullet-clad, most wondering, “were they...serious?” ?m not even joking when I say this could be the best night of your life. Rock’n is that artistic, they're that hilarious, they’re just that damned good. You'll be swirling and twirling through pastel streamers, balloons, and jelly beans. Truly a night to remember. Note: Do not forget to dress in your best (or worst) prom wear. I’m telling you, you’re going to look like a fool if you show up without a cos- tume because this is going to be one fancy shmancy affair, my friends. Rock’n whatever). Ladies, pull that dusty crinoline out of the attic, and gentle- men, shine those shoes up real Chiropractic DID YOU KNOW.. you can SEE THE No referral required. The Orthotic Group © CANADA No user fees. Green $ Shield total body health. CHIROPRACTOR ON CAMPUS FREE OF CHARGE? No Hassle. Full Time Students & Athletes covered through Douglas College Extended Health Plan. Custom fitted ORTHOTICS also covered. CALL FOR DETAILS OR STOP BY ROOM #1303 10AM-2PM__THURSDAYS 604.430.1525 $6 Shey Canad® Pub Night October 14th 6pm - lam Do not forget to dress in your best {or worst) prom wear Im telling you, youre ping to look like a fool if you show up witho ostume because this is going to be one y shmancy affair my friends. 16 | OUNEPPPESS OCuober = G/anow