eel £95) page 2 THE OTHER PRESS Wednesday, October 5, 1983. DOUGLAS COLLEGE DAY aa Every Thursday afternoon ; from 2:00 pm til 7:00 pm. in SOCIETE A ye DES W” ARTISTES FRANCAIS SALON de 1912 GRAND PALAIS Avenue Alexandre III ‘iene 120° Exposition « 7 7 ie C “Dance Vour Socks OF” with Music by James STUDENTS !5] ecsrres 740 Carnarvon St. Get to know your class mates better. After class enjoy a : D ; ; 521-3757 little music, dancing and total relaxation. We are your host every thursday from 2pm to 7pm. pes CEuvrEs DES ARTISTES VIVANTS ao En Semaine,........ ay fe; Prix ! Le Dimancne : d@Entrée : ) De 8 heures A midi... De midi 4 6 heures... ay fe: « goc. ass SSS SSS SSS SSIS SSS SSSSSSISSS : ANADA “THE 1983-84 C STUDENT L ANS PROGRAM nt t changes to the Canada Stude nt, are now in effect. da has_mad rnment of Cana ee These chan pe ed loans to pat : Gono and application for your provincial student aid authority m é f or through pac De . 5 ts telephone tol ority. ers “« Increased week ployed borrowers Information av 1 Canada Emp ¢ State. e Interest relief ‘the Secretary © Information ane j 2-8, *National Universities Week October r abe The Secretary of State emo CCM eT of Canada du Canada a Canada L’honorable Serge Joyal j The Honourable Serge Joyal