The Teaching Professor August, 1987 " . Textbook(s) e) Are appropriate to course level Are clearly related to course objectives Are generally acceptable in terms of departmental standards Present content in a systematic and logical order so as to enhance the understanding of someone unfamiliar with the topic (Note: assess content order based on the sequence assigned in the course.) Present material interestingly to encourage reading Supplementary Reading Lists Contain relevant and current material Supplement course content Include content that is challenging yet not inappropriately difficult Specify location of supplementary materials Include information to direct reading in terms of its relationship to course content | Lecture Outlines (provided students) Communicate a sense of proportion and detail that is consistent with content Provide enough information to assist the note-taking process without making note-taking unnecessary Include space for students to write additional information © Are enhanced by lecture presentations in class Study Questions/Review Materials Prepare one to perform successfully on exams Cover content that is covered on the exam Are designed so that their completion facilitates student retention and understanding Do not force students to focus on large quantities of material that are irrelevant to exam content Provide opportunity to practice problem-solving skills Visual Materials (as in prepared slides and transparencies) Illustrate content enhanced by visual representation Are clear and "graphically" illustrate the content Include written elaborations that are clear and easily read Can be seen and read with ease everywhere in the classroom Contain manageable amounts of material so excessive amounts of time are not required to copy the material down aan | Overall Conclusions Compared with other course materials you have seen these are better than average As demonstrated by these materials, the content selected for inclusion in this course is appropriate and justifiable These materials communicate an appropriate level of instructor preparation and concern (J O |