INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE/NOVEMBER 8, 1988 Report of the Committee on Timetable and the rganizational Work Week More students have meant less available space - for services, for amenities, for timetabling, and for community use. Short and long- term strategies are being worked on to deal with this matter. Al Atkinson was asked by the College Management Committee to work with a group of faculty, stu- dents, staff and administrators in order Lo identify steps that could be taken that would increase general comfort and timetable flexibility, while respecting the nature of the existing timetable and pattern of operation. The committee was asked to presume existing levels of enrollment. The committee has done its job. A! Atkinson tabled recommenda- ions with Management Committee, hich were approved, with some re- wording, on November Ist. It is a pleasure to thank the mem- bers of the committee for their hard work and insight. We believe that the attached decisions reflect the general thrust of advice received. Overall, we will all be the win- ners, through increased flexibility of timetabling, and availability of classroom space. The approaches described in the attached document are effective im- mediately, although their full benefit will not be felt until Septem- ber, 1989, by which time other measures will also help to reduce gencral stress. Bill Day REPORT: Prepared by: A.L. Atkinson Date: October 27, 1988 History As a result of the severe space crisis witnessed at the College in September, 1988, the President requested that the current timetable and any other or- ganizational factors with space implications be reviewed and modified in order to ease the pressure on open classrooms. Al Atkinson was assigned the responsibility of working with a representative group to come up with recommendations which would accomplish this task. An adhoc committee, with the fol- lowing representatives, was struck: Al Atkinson, Chair Roy Daykin, BCGEU representative Karen Downey, Student Society representative Ed Jolley, Academic Division faculty representative Lorna Kirkham, Applied Programs Division faculty representative . Gillies Malnarich, Educational & Student Services Division faculty representative George Porges, DKFA representative Pat Thomasson, Manager of Logistics and Site Services It was agreed that the commit- tee would act as an advisory committee only, and that Al At- kinson, based on committee deliberations, would make any recommendations to the College Management Committee. The committee met twice, on October 12 and October 26. At the first meeting a number of al- ternatives and suggestions for alleviating the pressure were identified. These issues were reported back to various con- stituent groups; reaction and commentary was incorporated into discussions and delibera- tions which occurred at the second meeting. Alternatives Examined/ Advantages 1) co-ordinated scheduling of DVST, ESL, HUD, RSS, and Group Advising sessions in classrooms assigned to Develop- mental Education. -— Advantage: 4 to 5 additional sections could be accommodated 2) scheduling the classroom weeks for GNUR and PNUR stu- dents on clinical semesters in non-classroom space or rented space adjacent to, but off campus — Advantage: 12 to 15 additional sections could be accommodated 3) co-ordinated scheduling of practicums for programs in the Social Services and Allied Health department — Advantage: would free up classrooms on a day-by-day continued on page 6