MAD HATTER PAGE 4 INFORMATION SESSIONS ON PHOTO OF THE WEEK MUSIC PROGRAMS Date: Tuesday, March 26, 1985 TATSVO HOSHINA Time: 1700 -— 1900 hours Place: Room 2710 "THE CREATION CONDUCTO e This session is for potential stu- dents to learn about the Douglas College Music Programs. The Chairman of Arts and Humanities and an Educational Planner will be on hand to discuss the following programs: 1. Bachelor of Music - Secondary Music Education General Studies. 2. Bachelor of Arts - Major in Music or Honors in Music Sie Bachelor of Education - Elementary Music Major 4. Basic Musicianship There will be a question and answer period and a tour of the Music Department facilities. For further information call local 2762, ask for Linda Stieler, Educational Planner. Hope to See You There!!! , Tatsuo Hoshina, conductor for the Douglas College presentation of WANTED Franz Joseph Haydn's "The Creation", goes through the motions with the Douglas College Community Orchestra. Hoshina will be directing the entire One wooden lacrosse stick for a 12 year old boy just starting to lay. . : paay 70-member Choir and Choral Society, Contact Willda at local 5020 he Tee na, Eanes are fae ee abe between 0800 to 0930 hours and 1300] 8° LETS : & Creation” Payeret Eo UEOO hours. Douglas College on April 13 and 14.