growing push toward job-oriented school- ing. Academic courses are being de- emphasized at community colleges; voca- tional and career programs will, it seems, get the major share of available money for the foreseeable future. In fact I'm alarmed, because this trend doesn't make sense educationally or economically. It looks like a response | to an expecially silly kind of philist- inism. -|-One local conmentator suggested recently that courses in the creative and perform- ing arts are a costly luxury to be en- joyed only when years of grinding toil have earned us enough to throw away on such fripperies. Another writer in the B.C., Teachers’ Federation magazine criticized Kwantlen College for being so foolish as to ad-— vertise for a philosophy teacher, of all things, when what we really need is no- | nonsense training for employment. Pretending to be hard-headed, such crit- icism is really only thick-headed, such premise is that wealth comes only out of a drill press or welding torch; all else is idle self-indulgence. The new philis- tines haven't noticed that culture, in all its aspects, is big business in Can- ada and likely to get bigger despite the depression. The federal government spent a billion dollars on culture last year, just prim- ing the pump. Ontario culture now gen- erates more revenue than Ontario mining. More people in B.C. buy tickets to musi- cal and theatrical performances than to sport events. Quite apart from the actual artists, think about the jobs created through artistic activity: the technicians, © tradesmen and professional who work to produce films, plays, television shows, recordings and concerts. | wrights. enter the culture industry, academic and Mad Hatter Pago 4 Push is on to 'Deemphasize' Academics (cont)——______,, Canadian publishing creates a demand for paper, for word-processing systems, for typesetters and salespeople. As a side | effect, culturally active communities at- tract new enterprises, cultural and other- wise. AU.S. estimate is that each del- lar spent on the arts generates at least two more spent for food and shelter by visiting spectators. The launching pad of all that activity is the schools. It is in the schools that most of our future Toni Onleys and Glenn Goulds are learning the basics of their careers. Our future authors are in class, reading Jack Hodgins and Margaret Laurence and thinking: I can do that, too. The cute kid who played Dorothy in your school's production of The Wizard of Oz may have be- gun an acting career that will make her famous around the world. Sure, most kids who study music in school won't end up as rock stars or chamber mus- ics virtuosos; not all the kids in wood- working class will be carpenters or ship- But for the many who eventually arts courses are really vocational train- ing. And all our kids deserve the chance to explore as many different vocationa: choices as we can make available in the schools. So the push to downgrade academic and arts courses is misguided, to say the least. In a high-tech, information-hungry and .in- creasingly leisured world, skill in cui- tural activities will become more highly prized and more highly paid.,’ We might even regain the heights of Elizabéthan England, where anyone who couldn't both play and in- strument and write a poem was dismissed as a hopeless klutz. As it becomes harder to draw the line be- tween vocational and academic courses, we may have to redefine education as something quite different from training and remind oursleves that we need both,