THE MAD HATTER A Douglas College Newsletter published weekly during the spring and fall semesters, bi-monthly in the summer semester by Douglas College Technical and Vocational Institute P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster,B.C. Editor: Judie "Steeves, Surrey campus Telephone: 588-4411, loc. 283 The Other Press will present a discus- sion on the proposed immigration bill, with the international committee on | Yracism Thursday, Feb. 10, 1977 in the, -four-room complex in New Westminster, from 12 - 2 p.m. Bring your lunch. Sa sere a Sg aia > USING LIBRARY RESOURCES: SPRING PROGRAMME * The library will offer mini-courses in how | to effectively use the library for e researching assignments. ; * Mini-courses take approximately 35 minutes, -and will cover basic information in using the card catalogue, locating books on the shelves, using journals and meeeeeeh and developing a research plan. * These courses may be taken between Jan. 24 and Feb. 15 by signing-up at the information § desk in any campus library. Times will be assigned then.. : IN ADDITION: Lunch hour workshops will be given to aid specific research. Feb. 9 Wed. 12-1 pm 4-Rm Complex (NW) LEGAL INFORMATION SOURCES - A. Soroka : UBC Law Library Feb. 23 Wed. 12-1 pm 4-Rm Complex (S) “ GOVERNMENT STATISTICAL INFORMATION March 9 Wed. 12-1 pm 4-Rm Complex (NW) ‘SOCIAL & HISTORICAL INFORMATION SOURCES . PERTAINING TO CANADA ~ S ; Thesa workshops are open to students, ‘staff, faculty, and the community. FOR_SALE Solden Pheasants - Cocks $7, Hens $6. Banty Chickens - 50 cents. B. Lukyn, Serpentine Fen - Apply: —- 594-3939 (eves.) *- — NOON HOUR CONCERT SERIES =» SPRING TERM PLACE: few WesTMINSTER Campus N405 TIME: 2:15 FEBRUARY 4, 1977 RECITAL ENNIS MILLER - UBA LIE THOMPSON - IANO FEBRUARY ha CHORAL CONCERT Universi OF VICTORIA CHAMB : Broce! be pes aes | FEBRUMRY 25, 1977 , RECITAL -JATSUO HOSHINA - ENOR RICHARD KITSON “ IANO | nwaci 4, 1977 VANCOUVER Brass QUINTET iy Kiger GERBRECHT - TRUMPET - ]RUMPET a - FRENCH HorN ill CHERRY - TROMBONE DENNIS MILLER - TuBA PRL 1, 197 Don CLARK QuARTET Hal Jog - TRUMPET Javsrove ~ LEGpic PIANO GEorcE URSAN - _ TORBEN OxBoL - E APRIL 15, 1977 | : RECITAL _ Denise LEW - PIANO.