NOTICE REGARDING ADMINISTRATIVE, RESTRUCTURING A committee has been established to hear briefs and to make recom- mendations to the Principal's Council on the matter of Administ- rative reorganization. This comm- ittee will be meeting on a weekly basis and invites submissions from members of the College community. The first meeting will be held on Thursday October 2lst from 2.09 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. in the Boardroom, New Westminster Campus. The purpose of this meeting will be to hear a pre- sentation from George Wooton on “the reasons for administrative re- organization". The second meeting is scheduled for Wednesday October 27th, 4-6 p.m., Surrey Campus Boardroom ($418). At this meeting, the Committee will begin reviewing briefs. All meetings of the committee are open and observers are welcome. Those who have already submitted briefs will be contacted regarding the date when the committee will consider the brief. All those wish- ing to submit a brief should submit it (12 copies please) to Gerry DellaMattia, Surrey Admissions. Information on meeting dates, times, locations and topics may also be obtained from Gerry. NOTICE Friday, October 22, 1976 is the last day to submit nominations for the faculty representative on the Admissions and Appeals Committee. / ¢ S25 ONG NS SSS th AAR IAD: ER AS I On A A ET LES Of tc ES OS ee nao S The three committees mentioned in the Collective Agreement between Douglas College and Douglas College Faculty Association have now been struck. Membership SpOBGLIS 1869 18FE5 8B cy listed below: ARCHIVES LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING COMMITTEE Faculty Reps.: Jack Finnbogason John Reed College Council: Stewart Graham Director: Sheilah Thompson Administrator: Bill Morfey This Committee is to develop an evaluation system and a term or rotation system for that level of administration which has day- to-day contact with faculty, which spends no less than 50% of its time on normal faculty duties and which has specific delegated ad- ministrative responsibilities and specific coordinative functions. POSITIVE EVALUATION COMMITTEE Faculty Reps.: Ann Frost Jim Sellers Director: Bob Lowe Staff: Mary Pat Wasmuth Mavis Dalzell Administrator: Don Porter Students: (No reply) This Committee is to study the feasibility of positive evaluation vis-a-vis improvement of instruc- tion. The present negative evalu- ation system should not be considered during this study. The Committee should solicit and evaluate briefs and should report monthly through Principal's Council. The final report of this study is to be submitted to the Personnel Com- mittee of College Council, the Working Conditions Committee of the Faculty Association, and Principal's Council not later than January 31, 1977. . N\