BUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY ' Date: ARCHIVES 18. 4. 74. (circular containing ANNOUNCEMENTS, CHANGES, DIRECTIVES, RULINGS THE PRINCIPAL SHOULD PRESERVE AND FILE 810. THIS CIRCULAR WHERE IT IS AVAILABLE TO APRIL 1974 ALL TEACHERS. HOME ECONOMICS AND INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION COURSES The Department has been asked if there is a provincial regulation which requires that Industrial Education 8 be limited to boys and Home Economics 8 be limited to girls. There is no such regulation. However, learning outcomes, knowledge, skills and activities and the facilities recommended for these courses have been determined in the light of traditional enrolment practices. A change in these practices may be quite desirable but if it is not accompanied by some major changes in the various components of the courses, their educational value would be minimal. Schools are invited to review their enrolment practices and to change them if they consider it desirable and feasible to do so, provided the courses are adjusted to make them appropriate. All courses in both provincial programmes are under review and revision with a view to increasing their appropriateness for pupils of either sex. There is also the provision for locally developed courses which may be used if it is considered in the best educational interests of the students to make available tearming opportunities in these puelae for pupils of either sex. J. R. Meredith Superintendent Educational Programs-Schools