MEET TERESA INGLIS... Teresa Inglis, clerk typist in Personnel Administration, does a lot of reading on the job. And that's all right with Supervisor Neil Hill: If she didn't, he'd likely offer her another position. Teresa, however, doesn't read novels or magazines or comic books on College time. An important responsi- bility under her job description is that of operating and "reading" the McBee Key-dex machine to record coded information relating to applications for faculty and support staff positions. This is onlv one of Teresa's many duties. She also receives and makes up all applications in accordance with procedures of Douglas's "instant reference" file system; keeps employment applications current by discarding those that are six months old (non-teaching), and those that are 24 months old (faculty); operates and makes minor adjustments to the Reprox Copier; acts as relief typist on the IBM Magnetic Card Selectric Typewriter, and as relief Personnel clerk; submits student appraisal forms to the supervisor and then to Admissions Office for record purposes; fills in as relief receptionist and PBX operator for Personnel and Campus Administration; and performs routine typing as well as complex clerical duties. Teresa was born in Vancouver and graduated in 1972 from the commercial program at Centennial Sr. Secondary School. She came to Douglas last January after three months' employment in industry and a month in the public service. She is an ardent boater and an enthusiastic water and snow skier.