Deceased music snob reincarnates as local woman’s iPod Obsessive spirit sets about ‘improving’ her music collection By Liam Britten, Chief Supernatural Audiophile Editor hen Kate Bains, 27, got on the bus last Monday morning, something was amiss. “T went to play my Monday morning bus riding music, and the playlist wasn’t on my iPod. It was so strange,” she told The Other Press. The mix, which consisted of “fun” music to get her in a good frame of mind for the work week ahead, had disappeared. “Tt was, like, all my favourite things to make me not have a bad mood,” she said. “There was some Hall and Oates, some Doobie Brothers, ‘I Believe in a Thing Called Love’ by The Darkness, and some other stuff. You know, just some neat music to wake me up.” It could have been attributed to a computer virus, or maybe just user error. But it wasn’t the first time her iPod had made unusual changes on its own accord. “It deleted my entire Fleetwood Mac discography last week. What the heck, right?” Local hindu archaka Pandit Sidharth Karhadkar believes he knows what is going on. “Just as the body discards garments when they become worn out, the soul discards the worn out body in the same way. Eventually, it will don new ones—such as an iPod,” he told The Other Press. “T believe that a pushy, condescending music snob is trapped in the samsara—the cycle of birth and death—due to his ignorance of existence. And since he was probably some douchey hipster fuck to begin with, it serves him right.” When we told Bains about what Karhadkar had to say, it sounded plausible to her. “Oh yeah! That totally makes sense. Ever since this started happening, my iPod and iTunes have been filled with this weird music that my ex-boyfriend used to listen to, and he was such a jerk about music,” she said. The spirit has been reportedly downloading artists such as The Magnetic Fields, The Decembrists, Architecture in Helsinki, Elvis Costello, Das Racist, Jenny and Johnny, and The Raveonettes. To say the least, Bains is not a fan of the spirit’s behaviour. “T mean, I know I should like these bands and whatever, but I just don’t,” she said. “I just want music that’s fun and catchy. Why does my iPod have to make me feel stupid for liking that sort of music?” Archaka Karhadkar believes he knows what to do. “The spirit inhabiting this woman’s iPod must break the cycle of life and death and achieve freedom from worldly wants and desires. This is the only way to achieve true peace, called moksha, and release oneself from the perpetual pain of this world,” he said. “Either that, or she can just get rid of that iPod and upgrade to an iPod Touch or an iPhone.” Capricorn (12/22-1/19) Something seems different about the basketball star that you went to high school with. He’s joined a cult now. Aquarius (1/20-2/18) Play Farmville while at work today! Your boss will appreciate it. Pisces (2/19-3/20) While traveling, you will meet the person you have always dreamed of! Too bad that person doesn’t exist. Aries (3/21-4/19) Guess what? If you donate to my charity fund, you could win a million dollars! Well, you could have, but my boss said that my charity fund wasn’t ethical. Taurus (4/20-5/20) Today, you will fall in love with a donkey. Sadly, I’m sure bestiality is illegal in Canada. Gemini (5/21-6/21) Want a new job? Then post your resumé online! What do I look like, a classified ad? Cancer (6/22-7/22) Psst... that attractive person who sits behind you is checking you out right now. Leo (7/23-8/22) Today you will look in the mirror and realize you've been turned into a hawk. At least you can now fly! Virgo (8/23-9/22) I will reveal your darkest secret today! You like to sleep with a box of pillbugs. Libra (9/23-10/22) AHA, hic Ive ‘written in Latin astro. Non utor online interpres. Scorpio (10/23-11/21) Today would be a great day to light your mattress on fire. Sagittarius (11/22-12/22) Want to make money? Then send your credit card info to-THIS HOROSCOPE HAS BEEN SHUT DOWN BY THE OTHER PRESS. With files from Livia Turnbull 21