14 A u s Avalon December 15, 1994 Dear Douglas: Hey kids!! It’s Mike again with a little more to say about Australia. Okay, it’s only been two weeks since I got here but boys and girls, | could write about this place forever. I’m currently staying with my friends Tim and Darlene in their cozy little flat about one hour north of Sydney, and I’ve found a little piece of paradise. Picture this: The sun is setting be- hind row upon row of lush trees, filled with birds, of all kinds, singing to me (yeah, right...), and, as it sets, I stare at the majestic harbour; Carleton Cold beer in one hand, half empty Carleton in the other, cheers to my companion Kevin Morrow and smile. As I sit back and pon- der my good fortune, it’s a wonder I can still picture my fellow Canadians freez- ot ing their ASSES off back home! The basic scenario for the past two weeks has been as follows... the beach!! There are two main beaches up in these parts, Avalon and Whale Beach - both prime, offering lush waves, good surfin’, smooth tan-coloured sand... rock and pollution-free sand. I’ve been out tackling a few waves and in some cases, been tackled or even dummied heavily by some huge 30 foot, okay 15 foot, all right 3 foot waves, but hey... I just got here. Hey Kev brother, pass me another cold one out of the freezer my man. Cheers old boy! Timbo, go for a surf? Oh, hey folks, sorry ‘bout that, you’re still reading I guess. I'll try to keep to the topic, which is, to say... me. Seriously though, I’ve been un- winding heavily and feel quite docile and The Other Press tral mBeoyve tn ? content. The next challenge is to find my future home for myself and my mates Kevin, Jim and Rick (I said mates, kind of Australian, eh?). The current top prospect is a hip little suburb called Manly, located just north of Sydney, and boasting a beauti- ful, lush, scantily-clad female-laden beach. I could call this home... Oh! (A bit of the Dice-man accent required here, Andrew Dice Clay, that is). I’m sure me and the boys could get to like Manly’s attractions, and I don’t mean the trees... Oh! (Dice again.) Hey shit! She’s not wearing a top, she’s coming over... “Mike! Mike!” “Yes” I respond to her. Ouch! Geez Kevin! Oh, I was day dreaming: sorry again folks. Anyways, next time I write, I'll have a flat and a job, or be a broke bum on the beach... either way I am laugh- ing! February 25, 199! Mike Mountain Until next time... Merry Xmas, Happy New Yea and Cheers, -Mike {Mike Mountain is the OP's Austra ian corespondent. This is the second in series of letters from Mike, written deep i the heart of Oz. Apparently, they're als written deep in a state of inebriation. Mik likes to put on women's clothing and han around in bars. -TE}