| DOUGLAS COLLEGE Mr. Minister: 4 _ ARCHIVES We appreciate your willingness to provide the sie Norse our s plebing ite today. Our Boards are aware of the pressures on your Ministry arising from continuing inflation, the uncertainties of projected revenue, and an elaboration of Ministry services, systems, and programs. Nevertheless, the Boards of Douglas College and vat ented: consisting ‘of elected Been ver sie rsons appointed by yourself leona fee it a duty to inform you of tions required to conform to get allocated to us. In add: tony we must Sunt ee with the “dif JME RIGS. 4 faced by the Colleges over the longer term in annualizing this year's budget, ‘in coping with Pe of two organizat I | uglas College, 18 ag tee optimum use lestminster Permanent Campus, an in eee ng services for the rapid ly increasing population throughout our regions as projected in the Lower Mainland | Demographic "discussion paper" prepared by Dr. Fisher last November. ts ie intal costs of operating two Colles is a problem facing both oe toe eges with its major impact in ree orvtont areas funded crowds e Management. Advisory Council. The orig yinal budget estimates for the "split" were developed by the College in July 1980 and were ‘based on our best estimates as to the additional levels of staffing and service ie rate two medium-size Colleges as d to one large College. The budget estimates generally fell s 1. Increased course offerings to provide a $ 295,215 comprehensive Program at both Colleges 2a ro cerate beatin Gee entra oa ces 1,796,645 e g ities 7 1981/82 3. Non-recurring costs of establishing 1,261.0 000 two Colleges TOTAL $3,352,050 ht should be noted that these estimates were based on non-inflated dollars. Now that we are aes ly operating as two institutions it is evident oe estimated lev s of staffing were fairly accurate.