ae a erent enti ttt eal Re armen tee etree THE MAD HATTER A Douglas College Newsletter published weekly during the spring and fall semesters, bi-monthly in the summer semester by Douglas College Technical and Vocational Institute D.O. Box 2503, New Westminster,B.C. Editor: Judie Steeves, Surrey campus Telephone: 588-4411, loe. 283 Notice Board FOR YOUR INFORMATION Now that the flu season is here, you may be interested to know that flu shots are available. -shots are free to people over 65 or with chronic health problems -shots may be purchased at a drugstore ( shop around, prices vary from $2.00 to $3.00 for a single dose) -some doctors have the shots available in their office - injections must be given by your doctor Safety and Health Committee FOR RENT Independent suite with two spacious bed- rooms, WW, fridge, stove, 1 mile from Surrey campus. $250/month. Call 596-0178. FOR SALE 100 bales early June cut hay, no rain - $1.50/bale Manon Remming - Local 225NW ALL FACULTY AND STAFF: There is Stihl Space in Quality of Life: Innovations in Human Settlements, which 4s being offered in cooperation with the Centre for Human Settlements, UBC. This 48 a Series of five fibm- discussion evenings examining a variety of Annovations instituted by many countries to so0kve on ameliorate certain problems. The £2ms have been selected from among the 240 programs presented at the United Nations Habitat Conference in June, 1976. Each program of films will be followed by a discussion pertod. It's on the Richmond campus, um. 422, 8 - 9:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Jan. 17 - Feb. 14 for $8. REPORT ON A.C.C.C. CONFERENCE NOVEMBER 5-8, 1977 EDMONTON, ALBERTA Douglas College sent a sizeable delegatig to COLLEGE CANADA '77 last November. g Sheilah Thompson prepared a combined report based on the reports she received from each delegate on the sessions attended. Stewart Graham (College Council) and I were late with ours so they could not be included. However, we have written separate ones. Copies of reports (one each) have been sent to the libraries at the New West., Surrey, Coquitlam and Richmond Campuses. Anyone interested in reading the reports can do so by stopping in at one of the campus libraries. Various back-up material is available in my office in you wish to look at it. All the delegates agreed that College Canada '77 was a success. / Eres , ak a } ee LE f 9 Se ae George Wootton