VANCOUVER - NEW WESTMINSTER AND DISTRICT LABOUR COUNCILS WEEK-END SEMINAR. ~- JANUARY 24 °ND 25, 1976 DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY COURSES OFFERED: PROHE ES JOB STEWARDS! TRAINING (BUILDING TRADES) This course will deal with the day-to-day responsibilities of the Steward tc the union and membership, as wel! as the inves-~- tigation and handling of grievances on the job. The interpre- tation of a collective agreement will also be discussed. Ov. SHOP STEWARDS! TRAINING CINDUSTRIAL UNIONS) This course will deal with the day-to-day responsibilities of the Steward to the union and the membership, as well as the investigation and handling of grievances in the shop, plant, store or mill. SHOP STEWARDS! TRAINING (PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES) This course will deal with the day-to-day responsibilities of the Steward to the union and the membership, as well as the investigation and handiing of gricvances under the B.C.G.E.U. master agreement. SHOP STEWARDS! TRAINING (FEDERAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES) This course will deal with the day-to-day responsibilities of the Steward te the union and the member hip, as well as the investigation and handling of grievaness under the Public Ser- vice Staff Relations Act. OFFICE STEWARDS!’ TRAINING (WHITE COLLAR WORKERS ) This course will deal with the day-to~.7y responsibilities of the Steward to the union and the membership, as well as the investigation and handling of grievances in the office. COLLECTIVE BARGAINING (INDUSTRIAL UNIONS) This course is designed to touch on all aspects of collective bargaining, including preparation, techniques and current trends. WOMEN IN THE WORK FORCE This course is designed to equip female union members for full participation in all facets of the trade union movement. it should be of interest tu women who want to become involved and who want to learn to involve other women in the work of unions. LABOUR'S PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE This course will revicw the histery of the trade union movement, especially in Canada. It will doal with some of the pressing problems organized labour is facing today. The economic situa- tion in Canada in relation To the world scene will be discussed. Likely problems of the future, based on the trends of today, will be forecast.