ue Clie Dyevofet i a 4 OFFICE OF THE MINISTER, HON. WILLIAM S. KING time of release IMMEDIATE date of release APRIL 11, 1975 subject MAN-DAYS LOST: B. C. RECORD BEST IN CANADA Updated information on strikes and lockouts in british Columbia for 1974 was announced today by The Honourable William S. King, Minister of Labour. Figures show that there was a total of 146 major disputes involving just over 89,000 workers for an aggregate duration of 1,614,041 man-days. The figures for 1972, the last major bargaining year, was 2.1 million man-days lost. In light of Labour Canada reports on the Canadian summary of strikes and lockouts information for 1974, which indicate a 19.4 per cent increase over 1972 in time lost, the Minister commented that the improved labour relations climate in B. C. appears to be a direct result of the reforms introduced in the new Labour Code in the fall of 1973. Reviewing preliminary strike and lockout information for January 1975, Mr. King noted that there were 21 disputes involving 4,202 workers for a duration of 24,548 man-days lost. These fiqures are not high when compared with those for the same period in previous years. mye atl 2 (eat bad ay ae bi