To that girl outside the O.P. of- To my Darling Petunia(Tupi 3 LOCKERS fice. Just to let you know some- _ petyn), last weekend was the one likes you! most famous night ever! Lets do Zz osocss lunch, love you Dandelion (Tarax- . HELP -- Students are : in desperate need of locker cum Officinale) ‘ Do you need help in CMPT 110? pains space to store their multi- $1500 per hour. Leave message tude of textbooks. Can you at the O.P. office for Lindon. Too many kitties for one house! HELP? Anyone willing to We can give you a three month share a locker (at a fair price ossooo old kitty free! 939-4726 of course) is asked to contact A challenging and rewarding ex- sosss the Student Society and we perience awaits you as a volun- will arrange a locker mate teer Big Sister. If you are Wanted: Certified Fitness Instruc- for you. Also, anyone finding prepared to make acommitment __ tor to teach fitness classes at they no longer need their of 5 hours per week for 1 year, Douglas College, 1210 to 1215 locker is asked to take their and are age 20 or over, Big hours, Monday to Friday. : Sisters of B.C. Lower Mainland —_ $12.00 per session. a eet ee 2780 for a would like to hear from you at Please see Chris Johnson, room s 873-4525 1334, or phone 527-5041 : oe a eee Attention ALL Students! The Other Press will now be running a permanent Clas- sified Ads section. The first five lines are free to all Douglas Col- lege Students. A fee of $1.00 is charged per line thereafter. Bring your ad to the Other Press of- fice before Thursdays at 12:00 noon (room 1602) What is Co-operative Education? Alternate paid work terms with | study terms on Campus! Obtain valuable experience in the field of your choice (We find the job!) Make professional contacts for fu- ture career opportunities! Get paid competitive rates while obtaining Marketable Skills! Attend the Orientation for new Co-op Education Students for placements in the Spring/Summer of 1990. Wednesday,. October 11, 1989 at 4:00pm _Room ee fim “se PETE’SPICS __....