pee ee ee as The Other Press The Other Press is a democratically run, autonomous student newspaper, published several times a semester (usually every two weeks) under the auspices of The Other Publications Society. Our funding comes by way of a direct student levy paid at registration time and through local and national advertising. The Other Press is a member of Canadian University Press and of the national advertising cooperative, Campus Plus. Other Press Douq'as Colleqe’s Autonomous Student Newspaper Thank you No, it’s not Thanksgiving, but many thanks are in order. First off, a big Thank You! to all the people who came to our pub night. If you were having half as much fun as you looked like you were having, you must have had a very good time. Unfortunately, judging by the amount of alcohol we sold, some of you out there may not remember just how much fun you had.... Thanks next to the Student Society, without whose kind assistance we would have had to hold the dance in Royal Towers... Thanks also to the guys and gal from security who, fortunately, were not required to do anything drastic.... And, of course, great big sticky Thank Yous to all the wonderful people who volunteered their time and effort to make the night a success. You'll be pleased to know that we made a substantial chunk, which will go towards our new typesetter! Thanks also to the Liquor Board people for not shutting us down. =f We still find it strange that Miller can print ‘‘beer’’ on the side of their cans in ads, but we can’t print ‘‘beer’’, ‘‘drink’’, ‘‘draft’’, or i" similar words in our dance ads? Our Tenth Year!! 1976-1986 Production: GoGrdinator. cies ees nae wel Jeremy Bloom Copy atory Sports Coordinator... 5c. -2ocsuedss caches. cetasescescane Cynthia Kilt Entertainment Coordinator 00 cocci cciiccah av sathacvesees IR Rss Kirstin Shaw Eicimiabay nig tS) COOLGIMANON Sos cls cieese evens ves a ad oe es Paul Pilon Grannies KCOOKOM GON ec reior 0, eres a eae esas Doug Finnerty. EISICSS I AAIVAR EN coe os cer ales Sask has reece owcbas myths ese oe aaa llenwos Jean Joyce. ST NGts CORUNA ss acters Frente ce te ait Os ew ebew Dave Watson. CR GIOCe COECIABUON, cei 50 cag Sev cena bas ds cw sacs hares Pinky Hunjan. Gilice CooreinalGn sane eens eRe tS SUR, ub Sua wee Suz Graham PAG DAAMAMET I et chin ad tien etre nt tigen lo yada Ree atts Glen Emery AMMAN. feo fn cry Beets Raia. Kathy Nichols, Jayne Muskens BOatUbes: COMUNE ics oc pork cee eee a ORS eee coals dew cts Paul Ehni PEWS COOTGINALOl es or atte int uu loom ovale Skea sical John McDonald Pie Glens | | Bee ete ot ML er te Lori Donald Contributors.......... / stad, lan Boothby, Emily and Charlotte, Phinder Dulai, Gordon Henry, Doug Rede- copp, Steve Ocsko, Brian Phares, Burgess Dillon, Colin McEwen, Angela Dunbar, Kim Chong, Paul Gill, Anna Soh, Mike Roth, Lisa Haws, Shauna Mulroney, Brian 4 Aho Bisset, Stewart Woolverton, Mark Ransom, — ee Kevin McDonald, Jennifer Harper hmm...the issue 1s late again, but we're used to that. And 75 it’s very nice to see so many nes names, so many young . innocent recruits as yet untainted by the rampant cynicism " Which so demoralizes journalists after six months or so in’;. tthe business. So, if you note a freshness; a je ne sais quoi vitality to’ these pages, it could be because those who laid them out * Wwere infused with the spirit of the muse...or it might just be "= Fa they didn’t really know what they were doing. Anyway Muchos thanx to all those selfless individuals who helped make the O.P. pub night a smashing success! Especial Thank yous to Steve, Warren, Kevin, Gord, Jennie, Angie, § and Mark for bravery and devotion beyond the call of duty. im Swan Dive of the Week award goes to Johnny McD; Lorifi™ will send you the bill for drycleaning her coat. Running As Fast As | Can award goes to Paul #1; creative jis method of wine transfer goes to Rude Brian (I hope you used mouthwash after), and the Not Dead Yet award goes to Jacky—let’s see some more of your smiling face down at the! office, ok? get to. ‘who has trouble getting to it. | have iene Karen Hooey, Richard Haines, Allan Saug-. Other Correspondence Access lacking | have a complaint about the school cafeteria. It is too far away from some classrooms for handicapped people to | know, as | am one of those pains in my knees, and can’t walk too far. | also have a heart condition, and this also stops me from walking too far. Often | would like to have a hot meal and a cup of coffee, but | don’t like to attempt to walk down there for the reasons |’ mentioned above. For those of us who can’t get down there why not put vending machines on the other floors so we could at least get a cup of coffee and a muffin to eat. It would certainly be appreciated by the handicapped people in Douglas College such as myself. From One Who Has Trouble Getting To The Cafeteria, Shirly Croton | have been writing letters to you for some time now. In fact, | can honestly state without fear of contri- diction that | am your only regular writer. Without me you wouldn’t have a letters page. Imagine that, a whole page completely blank. | live in a small North Vancouver home and survive by eating the plankton | find in my tap water. | am poor but you seem to be rich. Oh sure you look poor, but hey, why would you have to look so poor unless you were hiding your true wealth. I’ll be short and sweet, | want a cut. | want to hop on the O.P. gravy train. Come on. | don’t ask a lot. How about a grand a letter. | hope you'll think about it. If the answer is yes, don’t bother to call because | don’t have a phone. Just yell real loud out the nearest window. | hear real good. All my love, ALte {ters Other pare ° the door)