The Other Press December 9th 1981 to 1982 Logo Competition for the Kwantlen and Douglas Fac- ulty Associations. $250 prize. Submissions accepted until Dec. 31 -c/o Kwantlen and Douglas Faculty Association, 9260 140 St. Surrey, B.C., V4A 5Y6. Carla Cummings Painting Ex- hibit at the Coquitlam Lib- rary, 3020 Lincolm, 464-1112, until-Dec. 31. t North Shore Live, a_ play about TV at 333 Chesterfield Ave., North Van.; 986-1351. The Hunchback of Notre Dame at the Vancouver Play- house till Dec. 19; 684-4444. Hats Off, till Dec. 26 at City Stage, 751 Thurlow, Tues - Fri, 8:30, Sat. 6:30 and 9:00; Call 699-1436. Scrooge at Carousel Theatre till Dec. 26, Call 685-6217. Talking Dirty at the Arts Club Theatre, 687-1644. Mr. Puntilla and his Chauf- feur, Matti, at the Van East Cultural Centre; 254-9578. Matronize! X-mas sale of arts & crafts; Women in Focus, 456 W. Broadway, thru Dec. 24; 872-2250. ; The Image Makers, an NFB film at the New West Lib- rary, 12:05 noon. Important Contemporary Marine Paintings, continues to the 19th at Richard Beard Gallery, 1681 Marine, West Vancouver. Bye Bye Brazil, 7:30 at the Ridge Theatre until the 13th Black Orpheus, 9:30 at the Ridge until the 13th The Knack...and how to get it, 7:30 at Pacific Cinema- theque Pacificque, 1616 W. 3rd Ave., 732-5322, Friday also at 9:15. Le Bas Fonds (The Lower Depths), 9:15 at Pacific Cin- ematheque Pacifique, Friday at 7:00 Dan Hill, 7 and 10 at the Soft Rock Cafe. Also Sunday at 8:00, if you like that stuff. Wildroot Orchestra, 9:00 at In Concert, 315 Carrall, and tomorrow. They All Laughed, Dorothy : ‘Stratten in her last role, 7:15 and 9:30 at the Ridge Theatre Pub Night and Mr. Scholastic Pageant, 8:00 at the New West Campus. Sat.,12 Fraser River Christmas Carol Cruises from 7 to 9 until the 16th from dockside at the foot -of 8th St, New West. Also Sunday at 2:30 Christmas Music of the Ren- aissance, by Good Companye, 8:30, Vancouver Auditorium, 1100 Chestnut. Totem; Santa Aloi, Susan Osberg. 8:00 and tomorrow at 3 and 8:00, the Western Front, 303 E. 8th Ave. 200 Motels, the Frank Zappa movie midnite at the Savoy. Insights into Korean Pottery, a slide lecture, 2:00 at the Surrey Art Gallery, 13750 88th Ave. Cirque Alexander at the Q. E. Theatre, 11: 00. La Fille De L’eau, 7:00 NFB Theatre, 1155 W. Georgia. Le Million, 9:30 NFB Theatre 1155 W. Georgia. Black Music in Nova Scotia, on CBC Radio, 7:00 a.m. or 6:05 p.m. Earthbound, Children’s Mat- inee at the Ridge Theatre, 2:00 p.m.. Rock Talk, on Co-op Radio, - CFRO 102.7 FM or 104.9 Cable, 8:00. Cora Cs Other Event screening of the National Film Board produc- tion, ‘‘Not a Love Story: a Film About Pornography (see Other Womyn, page 9). In room 308 AB at the New West Campus, Monday after- noon from 1:00 p.m. on. There will be a student-led discussion of the pornography issue afterwards. this is open mainly to students but all interested people can come and see it as well. Be prepared to be shocked, dis- gusted and to do a lot to thinking and talking. Vancouver Wind Trio, 4-6:00 at the Holiday Inn, main loby, 1133 W. Hastings, to Dec. 23. Purcell String Quartet, noon at Robson Square Theatre. 2 3 ag oe S i. ® vale S Ss = £ Pinchas Zukerman, 8: 30 at the Orpheum. Woman Vision, 7:00 on Co-op Radio, CFRO 102.7 FM. Tues.,15 Sixuvus, noon hour Christmas tunes at the Robson Square Media Centre, also Dec. 21 and 23. Radio Peace, 6:45 on Co- -op Radio, 102.7 FM. Ecowatch, by SPEC, WCLEA -and the Vancouver Natural History Society, 6:30 on Co- op Radio, 102.7 FM. Burton Cummings, a benefit for the Kidney Foundation, Q.E. Theatre at 8:00 R & B Allstars’ to Dec. 19 at Cowboys 2, 1550 Main. Handel’s Messiah, conducted by Bruce Pullan at the Orph- eum, 7:30. Workshop on Employment, Communication and Disabled Persons, Robson Square Media Centre, $10, pre- register with the United Way, 1625 W. 8th Ave., 731-7781. Also January 6, 13 and 19. Staff, Faculty & Admin Xmas Party! In the Band Room, bar at 3:30, entertainment at 4:30 food at 5:30. Notify Anne or Al of the dish you will be bringing. EXAMS!!! Doug and the Slugs, at the Commodore, 9:00 Dec. 19th. The Lesbian show, 7:30 on Co-op Radio, 102.7 FM. LES Famous People Players, 8:00 at the Q.E. Theatre. Purcell String Quartet, noon at the Robson Square Theatre © Coffee Dregs, reggae? at In Concert, 315 Carrall, 9:00 and tomorrow. Subterranean Hit Parade, the newest new music on CFRO, 102.7 FM. Night Train, 1:00 a.m: on CFRO, 102. 7 FM. The trial of Mary Louise William the first of 53 abor- iginal women to be tried for the occupation of the Dept. of Indian Affairs office last sum- mer. 10:00 a.m., Courtroom #510, 222 Main St. ~ The Golden Slipper, Ukranian ~The Nutcracker Suite, David ~ Y.H. Lui présents his favour- VSO Christmas Concert, 8:30 and Dec. 21 and 22 at 7:30 at . the Orpheum. folk tale, 2:00 at James Cowan Theatre, 6450 Gilpin, and tomorrow. Rodney Dangerfield, barely funny at the Q.E. Theatre, 8 and 10 p.m. The Reggae Show, 5:30 on CFRO, 102.7 FM. Jingle Bell rock, top local talent at the Commodore, 8: 00 p.m. Songs of the Pacific North- west, Phil Thomas, 2:00 at Whittick Lounge, Vancouver Museum, 1100 Chestnut. Vancouver Indian Centre Drum Group, Main foyer of the Vancouver Museum, 1100. Chestnut, at 2:00. ite show, 8:00 at the Q.E. Theatre until Jan. 6th. Tues.,5 Registration for the Spring semester. Will your courses be dropped? Seminar on newswriting and staff democracy in the Other Press Office, behind the juice machines, under the dust balls, on the New West campus. At 4:00 p.m.; beer provided, other euphoriants also welcome. Neighbourhood Houses Fes- tivaltill Nov. 29 at Van DuseDusen Gardens- phone 731-6511. The Amy Cannon Band at the Town Pump, 66 Water St., to Dec. 5. Karla Cummins Painting Ex hibition at Coquitlam Public Library, 3020 Lincoln, 464- 1112, till Dec. 31 The Hunchback of Notre Dame at the Vancouver Playhouse till Dec. 19 - 687-4444. Talking Dirty at the Arts Club Theatre; 687-1644. a