Mad Hatter Page 3 ‘ Women's Centre Workshops ] making better use of our most precious, t { ; / non-renewable resource - TIME, as well as Communication Skills for Women understanding stress and learning ways of Managing it. This workshop is designed to help you learn to express what you really want to say to other people - friends, family, partners, doctors, sales clerks, waiters, waitresses, Dates: Thursday, March 21, 1985 Thursday, March 28, 1985 Sessions: 2 etc. In the two sessions we will discuss some fundamental principles of interpersonal! Time: 1200 - 1400 hours communication, more important - we wil] ' 2804 learn some basic communication skills. Room: ale : Workshop Participants are urged to bring real eader Barbara Mowat, Counsel ler situations to the workshop to be used for 5 Coll practising the skills. vorgiae Ver eee Please pre-register with the Student Dates: Tuesday, March 19, 1985 Services receptionist in Room 2760. Tuesday, March 26, 1985 Sessions: 2 Information Session Time: 1200 - 1400 h a a Douglas College is pleased to present an Room: 2803 information session on college programs Workshop and services for students with special Leader : Beth Morris, Counsel lor needs. Douglas Col lege This evening will focus on meeting the Please pre-register with the Student needs of people with mental handicaps. Services receptionist in Room 2760. Bate: thursday.) Manet i4, 1965 Time: 1700 - 1900 hours (begins Time and Stress Management for Women promptly at 1700 hours) This workshop introduces two skills that eC Doogina wel tege :ligamiers® will help you personally plan and/or adapt This session is for potential students, to change: Stress management and Time parents and workers to learn about the Management. If you can relate to the options at Douglas College for people with following statements then these two sessions; mental handicaps. ! Geeatt Faculty members will be on hand to discuss "| don't know where the time goes!" the following programs and services: "It seems that | never have enough time at - Special Services for Disabled Students the end of the day to do the things | want - College Access and Admissions to do." - Basic Occupational Education - Food Services "| rushed from school, rushed through the market to buy some specials, was late picking up the kids, had a furious row with my twelve-year-old daughter and then got stuck in a traffic jam!... What an exeru- ciating headache!" - Consumer and Job Preparation for Adults with Special Needs - Functional Literacy for Adults with Special Needs - Community Programs and Services There will be a question and answer maa but resources for individual planning and— na You will learn simple techniques for