Vol tone: , OVEN LETTER ABOUT COLLEGE HEALTH: A RESPONSE After readine the April 25th open letter outlining some concerns about the health of College emplovees, I had the distinct feeling that soneone was trying to null motes out of my tired eyes. I share the concern over the ever-present coffee urn and would welcome juice, just as I would be happy to see more nutritious snacks in the snack bars. However I suspect there are more basic problems than these. T think, for.example, of lians Selvye's work on stress and disease and wonder what the stress quotient of the Colleze population minht be. I wonder how many examples of ‘fever Friedman's "Type A’ behaviors occur in a typical Collere day. Nr. Feineold has warnec ne of the terrors lurkine under mv candv Sar wravper. T am eaually con cerned with the terrors looming over ay alfalfa sprouts as I sandwich them into my 190 yard dash from office to car while thoroughly masticatins some administrative lozic in preparation for my flight over three campuses to my departmental meetin. ~-trudianne kins, social sciences Fro7ect De delseha bevels (Systematic Quantification of Adult Basic Educational Learnine) Four inexperienced researchers prowling the Coquitlam Campus Catacombs are in need of help. The project is an atvempt to determine the success of The Adult Basic #ducation Programme in decreasing the depend-— ence of its students on sccial institutions. It consists of econstractins an instrument which will measure academic and self-competency skills as well as employability before and after A.3.u. If any faculty members have had experience in researh of this kind or have any ideas that might relate to the project, rlease contact Tom, Carol, Kathy, or Paul at local 688, Coq. Campus, Mono:to Fri., 9 AM to 4 PM.