| | | VANCOUVER COMMUNITY COLLEGE COMMUNITY EDUCATION SERVICES DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES “CC. TELEPHONE 2 TELEPHONE LANGARA 324-5323 324-5323 100 West 49th. Ave. AN INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN Tho B.@. Inter Collegiate|i. _.. JEl) ~ A VENT; et “4 Se ot Grande Debating Sournament 0-3; ate Oe es aaa ee On the 24th and 25th of March, 1975, a debating Tournament wil be held at Vancouver Community College, Langara, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Vancouver. Five colleges are expected to participate. (hhh he : : 2 nee” Vancouver Community College, Malaspina, Royal Roads, College of New Caledonia and Selkirk College. Planning has taken place throughout the academic year and the proposition: Be It Resolved that: FREE ENTERPRISF IS SUPERIOR TO STATE SOCIALISM FOR CANADIANS should provide some lively debates Newspapers, radios and possibly television media are expected to provide coverage of the tournament. The public, the media and in part, the’ faculty and students of Vancouver Community College are in- vited to hear the debates which will continue through Monday and Tues- day. A final debate for the semi-fina:tists will be held on Tuesday. Anyone experienced in formal debating who would like to be a judge for one or more of the debates should contact Req Watts at 926- 7684 or Dr. Hewson at 224-1235 or 681-6167. All debates will be held at Vancouver Community College, Langara, 100 West 49th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. For further information about times and locations, please call 524-5323.