The ‘Other News Women and children first for flu vaccine says dress-wearing Stephen Harper By Liam Britten rime Minister Stephen Harper added women and children to a list of Canadians who should be first in line to receive vaccinations for the H1N1 flu vaccine. Harper made the announcement Wednesday after a quick trip to a Winner’s department store to find a dress that “suited his figure,” according to aides. “The able-bodied men of Canada must do their part in order to assure that Canadians who need this vaccination are able to receive the treatment they so desperately need,” the Prime Minister said while fixing his hair. “While stocks of vaccines will be made available to the general public, the women of this country must receive the first batches of the shot.” As usual, the entire Conservative caucus spoke as one voice about allowing women and children preferential treatment. “Canada has always been a forerunner in establishing rights for women and children,” said MP Greg Thompson, minister for veterans’ affairs. “Furthermore, the children of this nation are our most 18 precious resource, and this government is fully committed to keeping them safe from all threats.” Thompson declined to take further questions about his party’s policies, as he had to make it to a GapKids store before they closed so he could buy clothes for his “giant, man-sized” eight-year-old son. Despite the Conservatives’ attempts to guarantee vaccines for all women and children, distribution problems have been encountered all across the country. “T was in line for three hours for the shot yesterday, but the doctor’s office closed before I could get in,” said Sandra Martin, 41, of Kamloops. “And every time someone got called up before me it was some really ugly, broad-shouldered woman. What’s going on here?” The Prime Minister’s Office has said that such problems are to be expected when rolling out a new program like this and expects problems to be worked out within a few weeks. The Prime Minister’s Office has also asked Canadians to not tell the Prime Minister that his butt looks big in that dress, as he’s really been feeling blue lately. Continued on pg 21..... Sexy lady to UN General Assembly: “Mud fight!”