Tciea Plt O26 0 8 TA We VOSS G7 “BE OTHER PRESS ‘Friday, March 16, 1984. fee This page of The Other Press is reserved solely for the purpose of correspondence and opinion. The views expressed on this page do not necessarily reflect those of this newspaper, or the Douglas College student society or administration. All letters and opinions must be typed at a 60 stroke line, triple spaced and bear the name and telephone number of the writer for reasons of verification and validity. The telephone number will not ’ be printed and the name may not be printed if just cause is shown. Letters should be no more than 200 words in length and opinion pieces should be under 1000 words in length due to space and layout requirements. ‘ _ We reserve the right to edit all letters and opinions for clarity and libel. Letters and opinions may be edited to size. | Deadline for all submissions is 4:00 P.M. the Friday before production week. : Cha Ragediatees. oS. a testes atone unfilled Business Managet.........s.ceeseseeeeee ERNEST HAWKER CUP Coordinator..........ssssseccess ARNOLD HEDSTROM Editorial Coordinator..........ccscccsessveees DAN HILBORN Entertainment Coordinator...............-.ceeeeeeeeee unfilled Features Coardimatons o.ccccscssansccessvacsesskeyssccens unfilled News Coordinator............cccssccssoneceees DAN HILBORN Office Coordinator..............6+ CATHY MAKOWICHUK Photography Coordinator..............+. SEAN VALENTINI Production Coordinator.............00+ MARTIN HEMERIK Sports Coordinator..........ssseeseeeeee MARTIN HEMERIK COURT Resco cs conch caices sucsssacoseateaes MARTIN HEMERIK Typesetter...... digaoueasteescapabe aval ROBIN ROBERTSON Conteibutors.. cinad ccs cccets} occsavecaecs ROBIN ROBERTSON PAT O’DOHERTY............4- MURRAY BUDDEN........ ALAN SNIDER.......ccccsessveeees DOUG PARSONG......... LITILE: SISTER: occ sdicscnsassees DONNA FORBEG........... ; JOEL HAGEN....... ROGER BOLEN...... ROB GUZYK.... CARL SVANGTUM........ NETTIE BOULANGER.......... SEAN SCHONFELD........ SEAN BALDERSTONE........ Other Publications Society, Board of Directors............. sid JOEL HAGEN.........MARTIN HEMERIK.......... ashevae’ IAN G. LYON........SANDRA McMILLAN........... Jhb, Recs piGe cecigne VICTOR J. CROMARTY............00006 CORR O OOOO eee EEO REH EEE EH ESTE EH SESH SEES EOEHEEEEO ESE ES ESHEETS EEEE EEO HEO SEES The Other Press is a democratically run, autonomous student newspaper, published several times a semester [usually every two weeks| under the auspices of The Other Publications Society. Our funding comes by way of a direct student levy paid at registration time and through local and national advertising. The Other Press is a member of Canadian University Press and of the national advertising cooperative Campus Plus. The Other Press welcomes new and ctive members to come to our semi-regular staff meeting usually held on Thursdays at 12:00 noon. Story and production meetings alternate every Monday at 4:00 P.M.. All meetings take place in The Other Press newsroom adjacent to the student lounge off the main concourse in the North Building in room 2305 |right beside the student society offices]. Phone: 525-3542 Mailing Address: The Other Press Douglas College 700 Royal Avenue Box 2503 New Westminster, B.C. ak V3L 5B5 | Bryan explains protest and plans for Douglas. Friends, Romans, Country- men, Lend me your -ear...but seriously folks, as recent attempts to hold the Doug- las College Student Societys Annual General Meeting have met with certain comp- lications, I'd like to take this opportunity to inform you, that’s right you, of some of my recent activities. In early February | was a delegate to the Canadian Federation of Students Pro- vincial General Meeting held in beautiful Squamish, B.C. As a member of the campaign committee which really sets the direction that the Federation will follow for the coming months, | had the opportunity to dis- cuss at length and have direct input into the actual running of the Federation. This meeting saw the ex- ecutive structure of C.F.S. change to include one repre- sentative from all member institutions. | have been delegated (pardon the pun) this responsibility, the first of these meetings was held February 3-4. The next meeting is April 14-15 at WBC. In response to a_ hasty proposal by B.C. Transit to eliminate the post-secondary student discounted Fare- card, representatives from seven lower mainland schools (Douglas included) met at V.C.C. Langara to draft a letter stating our disgruntlement. Copies were forwarded to Transit authorities and to various M.L.A.’s. We await a re- sponse. If the discounted card is eliminated, under the proposed new fare sys- tem it would mean at cost of forty dollars or more each month as compared to the current twenty-eight dollars. | have also been active with an Education Action committee which meets reg- ularly at Langara. This lead to my involvement of the recent three day occupation of Minister of Universities Pat McGeers’ office in Van- couver.. Our latest efforts involve.a ‘’Week of Action’’ (March 12-16) to protest Cut-Backs in Education and the closing of David Thomp- son University Centre in Nelson. This week will culminate on Friday the 16th with “‘Outdoor Classrooms’’ to be held from 2:00 to 5:00 in downtown Vancouver. | en- courage anyone that is con- cerned with education in B.C. to attend these ‘‘Out- door Classrooms’’. Media attention at~ this Should be high. Hope this sheds a little light on things. | welcome any questions or concerns you may have. event Sincerely, Gordon Bryan Vice President External Douglas College Student Society Hate mail for O.P.¢ DEAR LITTLE SISTER This letter is not about several things: It is not about starving people in a third world nation, it is not about the political ramifica- tions of Women’s Day and it certainly is not about a philosophical issue of ex- treme importance to all mankind. What this article is about .is this newspaper, The Other Press, and its relation to this institution, Douglas College. It is my opinion that this newspaper needs more rele- vant articles. | am more apt to lose sleep over next week’s exam than over the pornographic implications of Open House posters. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not that | don’t care about world issues, it is just that sometimes intellectual thoughts regarding contro- versial issues aren’t the first thing to enter my mind in the morning. | would much rather concentrate on. get- ting the milk:on the Fruit Loops and not all over the table. There is a difference be- tween relevant journalistic discourse and the redundant overkill such issues as the relationship between the welfare of the soul and Women’s Day. 5 Whatever happened _ to here and now? Little Sister, Mommy’s— calling and your Fruit Loops are getting soggy. Signed Rob Roy Fruit Loops? e Dear Rob Roy: Thank-you for your letter and your interest in the “Other Press’’ newspaper. | wish more students took the initiative to submit their views on their newspaper. ‘Unfortunately your letter is not addressing the issues any more than you accuse the newspaper of. Firstly, Little Sister is my response to what | felt was inappropriate journalism. | am trying hard to contribute to the newspaper as best | can, rather than sitting around writing ‘‘bitch’’ let- ters without any general directive, as to the issues you would like covered. Lit- tle Sister is a concept not a real person. She is an ab- stract test-tube entity, created in the Douglas Col- lege Cafeteria after many frustrated readings of the “Other Press’’, too many complaints from fellow stu- ‘dents who wanted some- thing new but could not devote the time or effort to try to change the O.P. and after many cups of caffeine ‘and ashtrays of nicotine, stacked sky-high in creative frenzy. Little Sister is the universal orphan. She _ is without Social Insurance Number, Nation-State iden- | tity, homeless and unwanted by all. who try to suppress the human rights of the peoples in the world. She is ‘a faintly flickering flame representing the fire of change, progress and free- dom in the Statue of Liber- ty’s hand. She represents an attempt to change that which angers and frustrates the original mind _ that created her. She is without a mommy or daddy to hold her hand when the going gets tough, or to lovingly pour milk on her Fruit Loops in the morning. Besides, she prefers beer. Secondly as to your re- marks about relevant journ-. alistic discourse the hottest news tip | could find before press time was the fact that a robin flew into the con- course at approximately 9:15 am today. ‘It looked a little stunned”’ said a college biol- ogy Professor » while munching on Fruit Loops. After two ambulances and one inhalator, the bird was revived in time to share the boys’ ‘‘Breakfast of Champ- ions.”’ As to your remark about soggy Fruit Loops, maybe it is time to cancel your mem- bership in the foggy bitch groups that litter this col- lege and send in some hard core issues that you would like discussed. | would be more than happy to see you write for the ‘’Other Press’’.