i SS All sessions start promptly ¢ at ince sitiePtisen ana and are soprosiataly 1 We. - 2h in length. Sue pre-registration el quired. ANT sessions are held a ; the New Westmi rr Campus un’ one ee - a, a on Commerce & Business 8 Sit Pre } , February 23° , 1 < omy ‘University Transfer ten es ooo Roa = Stee! 5 3 i 4 eae i et oa ih . ' | a } _ Amanda Vie ot eee eal Ist Year ‘Science’ - University Transfer . 7 Boniay, rab rasts 3 a. ta ie Including Major fee 4 1400 hours bl ye ae and pre-entry ReAUPe ROE. | ? hie 1805 Fat eta eel iin ; | _ Lorraine a Sul oefli eel aE Nursing: i oS pes dats Belbrunny ad 9! ray Pe alta UL cpa in can aaa ee Pal Ulett 1 i ul ? 5 : m 1222 I . z ae a i ls 4 fl 1 gata eae as Lorraine i came Ne open Ne sts Tuesday, F February 2 24 a i ip Program & Human Service Worker -— 1000 hours” : rms ae ee Retardation Program — Room 3412 Tog ie ee ull-time & Part-time) ol eae pean a | ge ee im I ite Ms r \ ie : ' - Child Care Cou nsellor rogram & =~ Wednesday, February 25 — ie ity Socia ee orker Program 0830 hours ah (Part- time & Full-time) ; ‘ Room 3410 a i Georgina ca ee Ist Year Arts - University Transfer Meeoey, Fenrincy 25 tiie Including Major requirements 1400 hours earn aE and Bachelor of Social Work Room 171 - afer LS ae Lorraine : 7 ne Dental puxitiary Programs: ahd eer Basic Chairside and Certified ee — ‘Assistant Daa | tLe Adult Basic” eucation, College | Friday, Fe bruary 20 Vi acca Preparation, Technology 1400 hours San ie Fundamentals, English As A : D tamen Tre Ae LY Second La nguage, General Studi: jes, Georgina ; Yi Bu aes “Te eau alency/conpletion ie ie) Te | Merete. cae a : - ’ 4G i eo : | at = , ' cl Z fh al om