INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE/OCTOBER 25, 1988 Divorce continued but it doesn’t have to brood problems in the children." "Sometimes children are relieved their parents have broken up, especially if one parent is being abusive. Often parents will stay together even though they’re having troubles because they feel it is better for Riddle: What represents both a beginning and an ending at the same time and in the same room? Answer: A Graduation ceremony. Douglas College proudly con- gratulates 125 students in the Social Services and Allied Health Department. Thirty stu- dents attended the graduation ceremony October 6 repre- senting: Basic Occupational Education, Community Social Services, Early Childhood Education, Human Services, Therapeutic Recreation, and Nursing. "You'll all be working in the people business," said Dr. Pauline Hughes, Douglas Col- lege Board, in her opening remarks. "Technology will never replace human interaction. You’ll remain the catalyst for constructive work with others - some things of great value will never change." Graduation allows students to 4 the kids -- but it’s not always best." Couples in the process of divorce or separation, or those considering it, would benefit from the workshop, he says. Lees, who is also chairman of the one-hour radio show The Changing Family (aired on Chil- liwack Radio CHWK), has taught a number of family congratulate themselves for their hard academic labour, and watch as they propel themselves forward into chosen careers. Commenting on the graduates’ varied personalities, Irene Griswold of the Faculty Association also noted their similarities. "Having a goal in life is like setting out on a holiday and having a map," she said. "You’ve not only set your goals, you’ ve all achieved your goals." She told the graduates to be proud of themselves and proud of Douglas College because "Pride is good, pride builds self- confidence, and we need pride to grow on." John McKendry, Acting Presi- dent, gave a speech equating the College with the graduates. "Douglas College is also con- vocating," he said. "We have reached an endpoint and stand at a new era." e workshops at Douglas College. Besides conducting Children are Non-Divorceable, he will also present The Art of Step Parent- ing and Couple’s Communication. For more information contact Community Programs at 520- 5473, or 520-5474. To register call 520-5472. Graduation Marks Beginning and End This fall Douglas College reached full capacity, he said, registering 7,000 students. "This makes us the second largest B.C. College." He suggested the grads con- tinue a relationship with their alma mater both through con- tinued studies and a connection with the recently formed Alum- ni Association. "Douglas College represents watershed events which signal that the future will be very dif- ferent.”