MAB HATTER PAGE 13 DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES OBJECTIVE B:4 Limit the number of programs within any given curricular area to ensure that programs are offered in all curricular areas. B:4:1 - To establish a process to review and evaluate all existing College programs during 1983/84. B:4:2 - To evaluate all programs by curricular area. B:4:3 = To maintain, reduce, combine, or eliminate programs based on the results of the evaluation... B:4:4 - To develop an annual priority ranking system of existing and proposed College programs and services. GOAL C - QUALITY: 7 THE COLLEGE WILL ENHANCE THE QUALITY OF COURSES, PROGRAMS, AND SUPPORT SERVICES. OBJECTIVE C:1 To ensure program relevance. Cz:1:1 - To establish advisory committees comprised of employers, former students, educators, and relevant agencies, _ C:1:2 - To establish a follow-up study to determine job performance, success of graduates, and program relevance. €:1:3 = Te use follow-up studies on graduates established by other agencies in p BESHTEDS OBJECTIVE C:2 To establish the minimum level of resources required to maintain each college course/program/service. C:2:1 - The priority budgeting system will be used to define and rank budget units. Cz2:2 - Each unit will describe its minimum operating size at which an acceptable level of quality will be funded below this minimum level.