a PRESIDENT Nef Wostninster and District GERRY STONEY FIRST VICE-PRESIOENT Labour Caueil HARVEY ELDER 724 - 12th STREET, NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. V3M 4J9 PHONE 524-9311 SECRETARY-TREASURER ELLA MATSEN December 18, 1984 To Employees of Douglas College Dear Friends: This is to acknowledge receipt of your donation of $106.00 to the Labour Council Food Bank. With Christmas approaching, your donation is appreciated more than ever. We would like to extend our sincere thanks for your support and concern. The suecess the food bank has achieved over the last two years is due to the generosity of people such as you. Best wishes for qa happy holiday: Yours truly, ~ teat = TAL Ws oy fies pe es kalph McMillan, Co-ordinator Unemployment Action Centre and Food Bank. RM/cc encl. oteu L5