Lire & STYLE. Have a fitness tip or recipe to share? Contact the editor at Putting your planning to good use Sophie Isbister life & Style Heanckigls Githeotherpez. y goal with Lunch of the Week is to feature items that pack small. They also need to pack a nutritional punch so that when four o’clock comes around, you don’t hit an energy- wall. That’s why this week, I’m showcasing leftover wraps. All you need to make these delicious lunches are tortilla wraps of any flavour, fresh veggies, and whatever you made for dinner last night. You can carry them to school in 14 Ziplock bags so when you're done eating you don’t have to tote around empty Tupperware containers. Leftover wraps are a great way to accomplish two goals: feeding yourself for a day, and avoiding food waste problems that may arise when you get sick of your leftovers in their original form. Sometimes all food needs in order to seem appealing is a makeover! Dry dinners are better for these wraps than wet fare; however, if you wanted to use something like a chilli or stew in your tortilla, you can always mix your sloppy slush with rice or beans. Putting a lettuce barrier between the wrap and the food means that your munchies will last through that Lunch of the Week: Leftover wraps gruelling three-hour morning lecture. Pile your leftovers on top of the lettuce, add more veggies if you feel like it, then roll it up and pack it. To assemble the wrap, first place the tortilla on your counter. Layer it with your spinach leaves, then place your dip on top of that, keeping it all pretty much in the middle of the wrap. Next, pile on the rice. On top of that goes your chicken. Any other ingredients can go on top of the chicken. Fold the left and the right side of the wrap in, and then wrap it closed. Form the filling into a log while you roll it up. Wrap tightly in the covering of your choosing, toss it in your bag, and get back to being fabulous. Leftovers in their natural habitat, before the wrap | Photo courtesy of andynash (Flickr) Last night's dinner: roasted chicken, Greek salad, and wild rice Recipe: Mediterranean Chicken leftover wrap You will need: -1 or 2 chicken breasts (already made) -1/2 cup Greek salad (already made) -rice (already made) -1/4 cup feta cheese -handful of baby spinach leaves -sun-dried tomatoes -One 10-inch flour tortilla, any flavour -a few dollops of tzatziki dressing or hummus