i it =| The latest Angus Reid poll states that Canadians’ biggest concern is the swelling national debt. Essentially, the largest segment of the population, often called the Baby Boomers, wish to transfer the debt from the population as a whole to a smaller, more distinct few. Through this tactic, a false notion that the debt is being dealt with is created, when in fact it is just being relocated. In keeping with a Canadian economic tradition, we’re operating our deficit as revolving credit. We eternally pay off our MasterCard bills with our kids’ Visas, and don’t even say thank you. To put it simply, if you sweep a really dusty floor (that, by the way, hasn’t been swept for a really really really really really long time, young man.:.), but leave the pile of dust ina corner, you still have a problem. Most of the floor looks clean, but you have a huge ugly smelly nasty gruesome dust bunny with big fangs and sharp claws and dis-gust-ingly bad body odour. And dung. Lots and lots of dung. Now, stay with us here. What you have is a country which is mired in an ‘invisible’ debt. The people are fed a line something like, “the amount of educa- tion of a given individual is directly proportional to the amount of money they make.” What do the people do? They go to school. Through student loan reforms, lucky students get an education. It’s a good thing. They’ ll need those big brains to figure out ways to pay off personal debts in the $60,000 range (all of which is incurred getting the aforementioned train- ing). Once these newly-burdened Brainiacs enter the the workforce, they’re greeted with tons of work opportunities. Of course, they’re all in retail. There’s nothing like a McJob to alleviate the spirits when one gets that Loan Default notice in the mail. A bigger problem than this is so easy to predict it’s scary. What do rabbits even more dung!!! P.U. Time to come full circle. Now, due to millions of folks paying billions of dollars to the banks - only they’ re doing it reeeeeeaaaaaaalllll ssssllillllooooo0ovovowwwww - the banks are in trouble. Of course, the banks support the government. So we’ re not looking at a pretty picture. Advice? Invest off-shore, and you may end up actually getting something dung... um... done. Sorry. Good luck, kids. It's not gonna be easy. ress March 8, 1995 The Other Press is Douglas College's autonomous student newspaper. We've been here since 1976. We aim to serve the students, staff, and faculty of Douglas College with a newspaper that informs them of things happening at the college, across Canada, and around the world that affect them. The Other Press is a full member of Canadian University Press, a collective of Canadian student newspapers, and be- lieve in its constitution and Statement of Principles. The Other Press will not print anything the staff considers racist, sexist, homophobic, or in bad taste. Yet we also hate censorship. And, once in a while, we let our hair down and go play water polo. And that's only if they let us into the pool... Anyway, if we're not doing any or all of these things to your satisfaction, or even if we give you chills up your spine with our fabulous publication, please let us know. You can mail a letter to us at Box 2503, New Westminster, B.C., V3L 5B2, or drop it in our mail slot at Room 1020, Douglas College, or you can fax us at 527-5095, or you can call us at 525-3542, or you can just drop by and tell us in person. We like you... come visit.We filter our water. Coordinating Staff Production - Jason Kurylo News - Paul Andrew Sports - vacant, Candice Lee acting Arts & Entertainment - 7rent Ernst Photography - Zeebo Editorial & Opinion - vacant Features - Jammy Coombes Graphics - Marce/ Martin Creative - Niki Kaloudas Distribution - Jim Irving Contributors this issue Daniela Zanatta, Sergio Abagao, Manjit Brar, Charlotte Holst, Tara Campbell, Sophie Leake, Holly Keyes, Mike Dutton, Kevin Sallows, an alien and a nun, Trevor Hargreaves, K. Long, Samer Muscati, Laura Miller, Ken Spittel, Tamera McKinnon, Laura Pottie, Kalynka Cherkosh, A.C. Snell, Gavin Adamson, PA.W., Jennifer Ann Wong... Employees Advertising & Accounting - Marion Drakos Production Resource - Scott Simmer Editorial Resource - Angela Chiotakos Subotnick If you're interested in helping with the creation of this publication, we _heartily encourage you to come down to the Other Press office, or phone 525-3542. It's the right thing to do, and a tasty way to do it... —_—_ = The Other Press S.S. TORIE ooops, I mean Liberal!) t searching for an OPINION: and. Gute HOMO FRIENDLY? Dear Homo-friendly Other Press: Yes, it’s me again, I congratulate those involved in the graphics and over all presentation of your front page, it’s kind of artsy, sort of like the 50s. (By the way, Trent, I agree, Lightning Seeds Jollification does sound like Pet Shop Boys). However, I would like to criticise the violent imagery and symbols used in this latest issue of the Other Press (pages 8 and 9), as well as in the promotion poster for the theatre production named “MOO”. The former, not the latter, utilizes the image of a sultry black female, holding an assault weapon, she provocatively stands under the heading “The Lesbians Avengers”. I suppose she is assuming the role of a female Rambo that’s gonna do .. Something... perhaps the same very thing some males like to do best, violence. Yes, I know it is only a recruit March 8, 1995 we are experiencing a shortage | of fire wood in the Captain’s lounge, so it looks like we’ll be taking a few of your logs. Douglas College StudentNews "What the heck do! gotta. do: fs & Solicit da staff editoriat topic and assure iti is written @ Maintain. the staff box ¢ Gees. bottom left): © . @ Solicit, edit andinput letters t6 : the editor @ Convince peole with toomuch=: tosay to write; and develop>’’ the Other Opinion Page Ss « Sucker a-cartoonist into ge : “ting: political a4 if you've got an opinion, we'd love to hear it! try to keep it under 300 words, and send it to the other press, room 1020, douglas college, 700 royal avenue, new westminster, b.c., v3 3t9 tell us you love us, tell us we suck... just, for pete’s sake, TELL US!!! strategy, but in this case, it looks like violent imagery could serve a couple purposes: At the conscious level, to recruit new members for the Lesbian Avengers group; and at the unconscious level, perhaps to appeal to individuals with violent personality traits. Notice that I am not criticising people’s sexuality or minority rights. But it seems ironic that lesbians are promoting the very role they’ve been fighting against, Rambo and his high levels of testosterone! With regard to the “MOO” poster, sure a cowboy hat and a pistol look “cool” on pulp, and it may be an excellent play promo, but why choosing a gun image for promoting a play? Why not choosing a sexy cow wearing black stockings, high heels and a bow whip? This would promote some thing else other than guns, and the “MOO” play would still be considered the best play in the wild, rowdy west! Oscar Lardizabal N. I got a good review! Dear Other Press, The IDEA Factory, and the members of Jazzberry Ram would like to extend our warmest Thank You's to The Other Press. We especially appreciated the effort that Paul Andrew put into researching and writing his review of Jazzberry Ram, found in the February 8, 1995 publications of the Other Press. Thank you, Paul. Please feel free to contact us about any questions you may have about Jazzberry Ram. Sincerely, Chris Lapierre Distribution and Develpment The IDEA Factory.